Můj poslední letošní svěťák proběhl v Koperu na zbrusu nové stěně. Cítím se ve formě, a i přestože chybuji ve druhé cestě, tak v poklidu postoupím do semifinále.
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Kvalifikace by Virt |
Semifinálová cesta je skvělá, bohužel se v 1/3cesty zaseknu a asi půl minuty nahazuji špičku, to mě hodně unaví a přidám už jen pár kroků. Končím na 21. místě. Škoda, tady to mohl být pěkný výsledek.
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Semifinále by Virt |
Několik následujících dní užíváme s rodinkou moře, pár dní odpočinku po závodním a tréninkovém shonu.
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Koper |
Při návratu zpět do ČR uděláme zastávku v Ljubljani na závodě Triglav The Rock, jedná se o duel ve stropové cestě jen po rukou. Velká show a skvělá atmosféra, závod se mi daří vyhrát před Janem Hojerem.
Více info a záznam na FB závodu:
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Triglav The Rock |
My last World Cup of the year took place in Koper on a brand new wall. I feel in good shape, and even though I make a mistake in the second route, I easily advance to the semifinals.
The semi-final route is great, unfortunately I get stuck in 1/3 of the route and it takes about half a minute to place the toes right. I get very tired and only add a few more moves, so I end up 21st. Too bad, this could have been much better.
The next few days I enjoy the sea with my family, finally several days of rest after all the competitions and training.
On our return to the Czech Republic, we will make a stop in Ljubljana at the Triglav The Rock competition, a duel in the ceiling route, using just hands. It is a great show with great atmosphere, I manage to win, ahead of Jan Hojer.
For more information and video see the FB page of the competition: https://www.facebook.com/TriglavTheRockLjubljana
The semi-final route is great, unfortunately I get stuck in 1/3 of the route and it takes about half a minute to place the toes right. I get very tired and only add a few more moves, so I end up 21st. Too bad, this could have been much better.
The next few days I enjoy the sea with my family, finally several days of rest after all the competitions and training.
On our return to the Czech Republic, we will make a stop in Ljubljana at the Triglav The Rock competition, a duel in the ceiling route, using just hands. It is a great show with great atmosphere, I manage to win, ahead of Jan Hojer.
For more information and video see the FB page of the competition: https://www.facebook.com/TriglavTheRockLjubljana
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