Ve čtvrtek se konalo první kolo kampusového desetiboje. Ve dvou kvalifikačních disciplínách to moc nehrotím a jedu na půl plynu, přece jen bude večer ještě náročný.
10 boy by Pepe
Pak máme dvě hodinky pauzu, kterou zpříjemní Adamovo povídání o jeho nedávné zámořské cestě. Čas se chýlí, všimni jsme natěšení a jedeme disciplínu za disciplínou, cítím se výborně, jen teplota mi nedává moc šancí vylepšit si panelák a vis na jedné ruce, zbylé disciplíny jdou skvěle a v některých případech i rekordně, panuje skvělá atmosféra.
10 boy Panelák by Jakub Rychlík
10 boy Bachar by Pepe
10 boy Panelák by Jakub Rychlík
Výsledky na FB Dohodneme další termín (snad 29. března) a zpět do HK.
V sobotu trochu hegeš počasí, ale to v jeskyni ve Sloupu nevadí. Mám tu jasný cíl, a to Kapku z Poháru Nesmrtelnosti SD, rozehřeji se a dávám první pokus, ještě se Štěpánem. Ten pak odjíždí a já bojuji, několik chybiček, pádů, trochu vylepším program, a celkem šestým pokusem dnes posílám! Přidání cca 7C+ do 8B, úžasné super silové kroky, celkem tedy 8B+.
Kapka z Poháru Nesmrtelnosti SD 8B+
Dobře to lepí v Mikrologovi 8B+, a tak dám tři nálezy, víc toho kůže nedovolí, bez prvního kroku. A jsem hodně blízko k překonání hlavního cruxu, třeba to jednou vyjde :) Ještě ladím přelez z Kurvafixe do Kapky, to bude taky někde za 8B+ a pak už bude brána otevřena výš, výš – na 8C, 8C+? (jen se bojím, že ten s tím kolenem řekne, že nález z Brutuse už nic nepřidá, protože se zdá, že na konci Brutuse půjde založit pěkné koleno... :)
On Thursday the first round of the campus decathlon takes place. I don't push too hard at the two qualification disciplines, the evening will be tough yet.
We have a two-hour break filled by Adam's lecture on his recent trip overseas. Then the time comes and we go from one discipline to another. I feel great, only the temperature doesn't allow to improve my performance at "panelák" and hanging on one arm. Everything else goes smoothly and I even make some new records. And the vibe is great, too.
The results on FB We agree on the date of the next round (probably the 29th March) and then we go back to Hradec.
On Saturday the weather is awful but we don't mind as we're going to climb in the Sloup cave today. My goal is Kapka z Poháru Nesmrtelnosti SD, so I warm up and together with Štěpán I make the first attempt. Štěpán then leaves and I keep struggling. I make several mistakes and fall few times, but then I upgrade the programme and finally send it at the 6th attempt! I add a 7C+ to the 8B, there are some cool power moves, so in total it is an 8B+.
Another challenge is Mikrolog 8B+, it sticks well today, so I try it three times without the first move before the lack of skin stops me nad I'm pretty close to getting over the first crux... maybe one day... :) I also work on the traverse from Kurvafix to Kapka, I guess the grade could be about 8B+ and once I have this the gate will be open for more and more - 8C, 8C+? (I'm just afraid that the knee guy will say that the access from Brutus won't add anything to the grade as it seems that a nice knee can be placed at the end of Brutus... :)
On Thursday the first round of the campus decathlon takes place. I don't push too hard at the two qualification disciplines, the evening will be tough yet.
We have a two-hour break filled by Adam's lecture on his recent trip overseas. Then the time comes and we go from one discipline to another. I feel great, only the temperature doesn't allow to improve my performance at "panelák" and hanging on one arm. Everything else goes smoothly and I even make some new records. And the vibe is great, too.
The results on FB We agree on the date of the next round (probably the 29th March) and then we go back to Hradec.
On Saturday the weather is awful but we don't mind as we're going to climb in the Sloup cave today. My goal is Kapka z Poháru Nesmrtelnosti SD, so I warm up and together with Štěpán I make the first attempt. Štěpán then leaves and I keep struggling. I make several mistakes and fall few times, but then I upgrade the programme and finally send it at the 6th attempt! I add a 7C+ to the 8B, there are some cool power moves, so in total it is an 8B+.
Another challenge is Mikrolog 8B+, it sticks well today, so I try it three times without the first move before the lack of skin stops me nad I'm pretty close to getting over the first crux... maybe one day... :) I also work on the traverse from Kurvafix to Kapka, I guess the grade could be about 8B+ and once I have this the gate will be open for more and more - 8C, 8C+? (I'm just afraid that the knee guy will say that the access from Brutus won't add anything to the grade as it seems that a nice knee can be placed at the end of Brutus... :)