pátek 30. října 2020
neděle 25. října 2020
Monument 8B FA na Modřínu
V sobotu razím na sever, užít si našeho nejlepšího písku: v plánu je Labák, ale všechno je totál mokré. Zkouším tedy vyjet na kopec a omrknout starý projekt u Mandragory na Modřínu. Na kopci je krásně slunečno, projekt je hodně vlhký, ale pofukuje, a tak běžím zpět pro matice a jdu lézt.
The moves are really nice and I slowly make my way through the boulder. The holds are gradually drying up and two hours later I get over the crux. It's super sunny and hot and thanks to that even the first few ledges of Mandragora gradually dry up.
I'm doing quite well, I even get to Fenomén and fall from the last move. I have a break and a call with Štěpán and once I see a cloud coming I turn off the phone and finish the thing – Monument 8B. Don't be shy and go for it, too, so you can confirm the grade - it may be an 8B/+?. And, above all, you'll have loads of fun climbing, Modřín is awesome!
pondělí 19. října 2020
Sklapsko 8A+/B, 8B FA, 8A, 8A+/8B FA
We then move to Špičkový Výkon 8A, but what about the scratches on the rock? Some holds are wet, but fortunately it's not a problem, so I need just two attempts to get to the top again, maybe it's just a 7C?
Our last stop is the Chíro sector where we check out the amazing Dach Co Budí Strach and we also climb some stuff near Jemark. After half an hour I sort out the project across the ceiling and climb it. I call it Partyzánský Bojovník 8A+/B, the moves are surprisingly interesting. Climbing the whole ceiling is possible, too, but we don't have time and conditions to try it today.
úterý 13. října 2020
Rocks! 8B+ FA, 9a, 8B+ FA, 8A, 8A
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Krkavka |
I also need to work on Senzace 9a at Krkavka - it is a harder beginning of Kompletace, which I recently climbed. The first attempt isn't very good, it's quite hot and a small ledge in the first part of the boulder stops me. But then the weather is much better, almost cold. I make less mistakes with every attempt and today, it all works and the rest of the route is a piece of cake. I'm so happy, I finally finished a 9a route!
And then came the trip to Rudawy. Štěpán and me agreed to help with boulder building in Wroclaw, so we decided to spend the day before that in Rudawy with Kadej and Kuba Wrzesień. We climb a nice Mount Blunt 7B boulder as a warm up and then comes an amazing overhanging Chalk Norris edge, 8A from standing and the sit start version as a project. I try Flash but I need one more attempt to get to the top, and same goes for Štěpán. We then try the moves from sitting. It's a cool power climb whose most difficult part comes in the end. It's an amazing line. I start trying the whole boulder but everytime I get through the initial section, I lack power at the end. Štěpán then tries a beautiful Problem 8A+/B boulder but he's not doing very well with the micro ledges. We go back to Chalk Norris and after several attempts I succeed - the grade is 8B+! Video coming soon on YouTube.
We continue to Napoleon Bonapalce 8A (8B from sitting). The first holds of the standing version are quite moist, it slips several times and my fingers enjoy a bit of bleeding, but I climb the standing version and I'll leave the sitting version for my next visit. The last boulder of the day is the awesome Big Mac 8A. I'm already quite tired and though the first section seems easy, it's super hard to get any further. But in the end I finish it anyway, at the tenth attempt or so. Thanks a lot to Kadej and Kuba for the great session!!
úterý 6. října 2020
MČR v lezení na obtížnost Praha - 3.místo
I přes veškerá omezení panující v této době se naštěstí na Pražském BigWallu podařilo uspořádat MČR v lezení na obtížnost. Cítím se výborně a obě kvalifikační cesty společně s Kubou Konečným topuji, druhá – ta lehčí – mi dá celkem zabrat. Lezu po Adamovi, který za polovinou cesty smekl, a tak lezu hodně opatrně.
Finále se odehrává v komorní atmosféře, nádherná cesta, ale nedaří se mi správně se nahecovat, končím pod stropem, kde jdu špatně rukama, vrátit se nejde, snažím se vyměnit na malé liště, to se nedaří a jdu k zemi. Stejně se zapykal i Šimon Potůček. Adam brutálně zabral a vykřižoval, Kuba Konečný jako jediný trefil správný postup – pěkná skrytá past. I přesto můj výkon stačil na 3. místo za Adamem a druhým Kubou Konečným, a celkové 1. místo v Českém poháru.
Záznam z Finále
Thankfully, despite all the current restrictions the Czech Champinoship in climbing for difficulty took place at the BigWall in Prague. I feel great and climb to the tops of the two qualification routes, and so does Kuba Konečný. The second route, the easier one, is pretty tricky, I climb after Adam who has just slipped in the middle of it, co I'm really careful.
The final is quite intimate and the route is amazing but I can't really get into it. I find myself stuck under the ceiling and I can't go back so I try to switch hands on a small ledge, ot doesn't work and I fall down. Šimon Potůček made the same mistake as I, Adam put some elbow grease and got through and Kuba Konečný was the only one who found the right solution – it was a good hidden trap. My performance was good enough to earn me the 3rd place, after the winner Adam and Kuba Konečný who was second. And overall, I am the 1st in the Czech Cup score.