Světový pohár v Kranji je stálice, old school stěna a vynikající atmosféra. V pátek ráno se ještě pro jistotu stavím k lékař – mám opar, který vyskočil po pádu na Chopmanu (zajímavé, jak je tělo propojené), a lékař mi prý závody nedoporučuje. Ale co už, naštěstí to během víkendu není cítit.
Kvalifikační cesty jsou poměrně vytrvalostní, začínám na nepříjemné jedničce, balet okolo hrany naštěstí pohlídám a valím k Topu a končím dva kroky pod koncem. Vydal jsem hodně energie, až je mi z toho ouzko. Druhá cesta je jasnější, opět se mi podaří dolézt dva kroky pod Top, což dává skvělé 9.-10. postupové místo do semifinále.
Kvalifikační cesty jsou poměrně vytrvalostní, začínám na nepříjemné jedničce, balet okolo hrany naštěstí pohlídám a valím k Topu a končím dva kroky pod koncem. Vydal jsem hodně energie, až je mi z toho ouzko. Druhá cesta je jasnější, opět se mi podaří dolézt dva kroky pod Top, což dává skvělé 9.-10. postupové místo do semifinále.
Kvalda č.2 by Bíba
Semifinále je o poznání těžší, což mi vyhovuje. Lezu chvíli po čištění – ideál. Vše trefím, jak mám, pohlídám si nepříjemné místo na začátku, kde vypadává Kuba Konečný, v polovině cesty si libuji ve stiscích, přidám pár kroků a komentátor hlásá, že jsem ve vedení. To vypadá na další finále!
Semifinále by Bíba
A taky že jo – hází mi to 5. místo v semifinále a těším se na druhé letošní finále. Naberu síly v přírodě, cítím se skvěle, v semi nateklo méně než v kvaldách. Finále probíhá v krásné atmosféře, spousta lidí, reflektory, na lezení velké vedro, které se mi stává osudným. S úvodními strukturami bojuji, potím se a vlastně ještě celkem na začátku mě jeden z jehlanů zastaví v postupu. Cestu jsem si moc neužil, padá tu i Schubert. Jsem trochu zklamaný, raději bych spadl kvůli únavě. I tak ale končím na úžasném 8. místě!
O víkendu další velký závod ME v Edinburghu, tak nezapomeňte držet palce a koukat.
The World Cup in Kranj is a perennial event, with its old-school gym and amazing atmosphere. On Friday morning I see a doctor, because after falling from Chopman I have had herpes (funny how it's all connected in the body, isn't it). Despite the recommendation to skip this competition I decide to go. What the hell, I say to myself, it feels fine at weekend. The qualification routes are focused on endurance quite a lot, I start with the troublesome first route, fortunately I get through the ballet at the edge and I end two moves away from the top. It cost a lot of energy, though, and I'm a bit nervous about that. The second route is a bit clearer, again I end two moves under the top and pass to the semifinal from an amazing 9-10th place.
The semifinal is significantly more difficult – and I like it. I climb a moment after the route has been cleaned, which is great, too. I'm careful and manage to overcome the hard spot at the beginning where Kuba Konečný falls and then I enjoy the pinches in the middle of the route. I make a few more moves and suddenly I hear that I'm leading – it looks like another final!
And it truly does: I'm fifth in the semifinal and looking forward to my second final of this year. I relax in the countryside and I feel awesome, the semifinal was less tiring than the qualification. There are lots of people at the final and the atmosphere is great. But climbing is very unpleasant – it's too hot and it's fatal for me. I struggle with the structures, all sweaty, and soon after one of the pyramids stops me. I didn't enjoy this troute much, Schubert falls from the same place, as well. I'm a bit disappointed, I would prefer to fall because of exhaustion. But still I earn an amazing 8th place!
At weekend I'll attend another big event: the European Championship in Edinburgh, so keep your fingers crossed and don't forget to watch!
The World Cup in Kranj is a perennial event, with its old-school gym and amazing atmosphere. On Friday morning I see a doctor, because after falling from Chopman I have had herpes (funny how it's all connected in the body, isn't it). Despite the recommendation to skip this competition I decide to go. What the hell, I say to myself, it feels fine at weekend. The qualification routes are focused on endurance quite a lot, I start with the troublesome first route, fortunately I get through the ballet at the edge and I end two moves away from the top. It cost a lot of energy, though, and I'm a bit nervous about that. The second route is a bit clearer, again I end two moves under the top and pass to the semifinal from an amazing 9-10th place.
The semifinal is significantly more difficult – and I like it. I climb a moment after the route has been cleaned, which is great, too. I'm careful and manage to overcome the hard spot at the beginning where Kuba Konečný falls and then I enjoy the pinches in the middle of the route. I make a few more moves and suddenly I hear that I'm leading – it looks like another final!
And it truly does: I'm fifth in the semifinal and looking forward to my second final of this year. I relax in the countryside and I feel awesome, the semifinal was less tiring than the qualification. There are lots of people at the final and the atmosphere is great. But climbing is very unpleasant – it's too hot and it's fatal for me. I struggle with the structures, all sweaty, and soon after one of the pyramids stops me. I didn't enjoy this troute much, Schubert falls from the same place, as well. I'm a bit disappointed, I would prefer to fall because of exhaustion. But still I earn an amazing 8th place!
At weekend I'll attend another big event: the European Championship in Edinburgh, so keep your fingers crossed and don't forget to watch!