Původně v plánu skály nebyly, ale Fox volá, že na Ostaši je skvěle - sucho a konečně i trochu podmínka a tak v neděli s Kačenkou razíme. Dojiždíme na parkáč, kde se potkáváme s Foxem a Ivkou. Je trochu vlhko, chvilkama poprchává, ale ten chládek tu dlouho nebyl. Foxik mi ukazuje projekt na Radiatorovi, který vypadá luxusně. Nejprve si vylezu na OS Dannyho Parťáky za 7B a hned se jdu pověsit do projektu. Dlouho nám trvá než vymyslíme trošku schůdnej program, nakonec krokujem, ale kusovka nepadá. JE třeba rest a tak jdu s Kačkou dozadu do sektoru E. Tady hezky vyleze Letní prázdniny 5C/6A a já si dám Vyšpulína low 7B OS.
Letní PRázdniny 5C/6A
Pomalu jdeme zpátky na nedokončený business. Trochu lépe si vymyslím výlez, dám ostrej a je to tam. Pak dochází Tom s If a pošlu to znovu na video. Vzniká krása za 8A+ s názvem Omerta. Díky Tomovi za ukázání směru a motivaci!
Omerta 8A+
Dál jdu s KAčkou na Velký Střecháč, kde chvilku zkouší 6A+. Den zakončujeme na malým střecháči, kde si konečně vylézám Master of Jazz za 7C, předchozí dva výjezdy jsem splakal kvůli vlhkým dírkám ("jindy" však tolik nepláču:).
PS. Video z Omerty bude snad během týdne, takže stay tuned.
Going back again for our unfinished business, a spent some time thinking about the ascend and sent it nicely at the first real attempt. When Tom and If arrived, I did it again for the camera. A good thing called Omerta (8A+) was born. Thanks, Tom, for showing me the way, and for the motivation!
Then we moved to Velký Střecháč where she was trying her 6A+ for a moment. We ended our day at Malý Střecháč where I finally did Master of Jazz (7C). Previous two attempts were vain because the holds were too moist.
We did not plan on visiting the rocks this time but Fox called that Ostaš looked great - dry enough and just good for climbing. So Kačka and I decided to set off on Sunday. We met Fox and Ivka on the parking area. It was a little damp, even drizzling here and there, but the colder weather did not last long. Foxík showed me his luxurious-looking project on Radiator. I started with Dannyho Parťáci (OS, 7B), then tried the project. It took us quite a while to think up a working way and then the moves. The thing didn't succumb to us, though. We needed rest so Kačka and I went back to Sector E. She managed to climb up Letní prázdniny (5C/6A), I went for Vyšpulín low (7B OS).Going back again for our unfinished business, a spent some time thinking about the ascend and sent it nicely at the first real attempt. When Tom and If arrived, I did it again for the camera. A good thing called Omerta (8A+) was born. Thanks, Tom, for showing me the way, and for the motivation!
Then we moved to Velký Střecháč where she was trying her 6A+ for a moment. We ended our day at Malý Střecháč where I finally did Master of Jazz (7C). Previous two attempts were vain because the holds were too moist.