Bitva je u konce. Za poslední tři měsíce jsem nemyslel téměř na nic jiného než na tento boulder. V listopadu se mi po dvou návštěvách povedlo přelézt Blatanta za 8A+, o kterém jsem si myslel, že jej nikdy nevylezu. A hned mi bylo jasné, že se musím pustit do Krátera, který začíná právě Blatantem a pokračuje doleva do Patičky Ledovce.
První tři návštěvy byly čistě pracovní, musel jsem naběhat druhou polovinu boulderu, která je samostatně za tvrdých 8B - po Adamovi a mně nikdo nezopakoval. Při čtvrté návštěvě se poprvé odvážím do ostrého pokusu, ale dolezu jen do nástupového chytu Patičky Ledovce a mám dost. Každou další návštěvou se lehce zlepšuji, až dovedu kroky k dokonalosti a při sedmé návštěvě padám pod topem.
Kráter 8C/+by J. Konečný |
Kráter 8C/+by J. Konečný |
The battle is finally done. During the last three months my mind has been preoccupied with this boulder. In November I finished Blatant 8A+, which seemed impossible until then, so I knew the next goal should be Kráter, the climb starting in Blatant and ending on the left, in Patička Ledovce.
The first three visits were pure work: I needed to practice the second half of the boulder, which is a hard 8B by itself - none except for Adam and me has finished it so far. On my fourth visit I tried to climb the whole thing, but I ended in the first hold of Patička Ledovce and I was totally exahusted. From then on every visit was better, I tuned the moves and on the seventh visit I fell from under the top.
Unfortunately, during the following attempt I break off a ledge, thanks to which the side-pull in the middle of the boulder was a good hold (and I was also able to use as a bit of resting place for the right hand). So, now the ledge is just for three fingers and it added two difficult moves.
On my next visit I feel how the missing hold increased the difficulty, so I need to practice more and find out how to spare energy for the finish. I start having doubts whether I'll be able to finish this one at all, but I'm a bit obsessed by the climb, so I make more trips there and on the eleventh one I finally succeed. Adam graded Kráter as an 8C, I was saying to myself that it was a hard 8C, and after breaking off the hold I'm quite sure it's and 8C/C+, maybe even more. So the door to Ledoborec 8C+ are open.
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