V sobotu kvůli nominaci do repre v obtížnosti razím do Ostravy, trochu pruda den mezi dětma, alespoň lezecky se cítím dobře. V kvaldě s Konym double Top, cesty okolo 10-? Finále je vyrovnané lezení, bez odpočinku a ke konci utažené, s Kubou padáme dost podobně, já tentokrát o krok dále, a tak získávám pro mě cenné vítězství.
Výsledky Ostrava
V jedenáct večer jsem doma, sklenka vína a spát: ráno se jede na Drift 8C.
Drift 8C
V týdnu jsem tu měl dobrou session, kdy jsem přelezl v kuse celý crux, takže motivace je obrovská. Ruce ze soboty trochu cítím, ale je úžasná podmínka. Po rozlezu se vrhám na ostré pokusy a druhým pokusem jsem v topu! Za mě lehké 8C, možná i jen 8B+?
Drift 8C
Štěpán zkouší Muskulatika a padá v závěru, já si ještě rozehraji Humiditu 8A/A+ a její extenzi za 8B, už ale musíme jet, Guly jde do školky. Teď zase trochu plastiku a připravit se do Mnichova, za tři týdny bude svěťák!
On Saturday I go to Czech Cup in cimbing for difficulty in Ostrava because I want to get nominated to the representation team. I spend the day surrounded by kids, which is a bit tedious but from the climbing point of view I feel good. During the qualification Kony and I get double Top, the routes are about 10-? The final is well-balanced, without resting, and Kuba and I have very similar results, but this time I get one move further so I earn the first place.
At eleven I'm home, I just have a glass of wine and go to bed, for tomorrow I plan to climb Drift 8C.
During the week I had a good session, I climbed the whole crux, so I'm really motivated. I feel the muscles on my arms a bit, but the conditions are amazing, so after warming up I start climbing and at the second attempt I'm at the top! In my view this is an easy 8C, or maybe only 8B+?
Štěpán tries Muskulatik and falls from the finish, I play a bit with Humidita 8A/A+ and its 8B extension, but we have to go. Now let's have a bit of plastic holds and training for the World Cup in Munchen which will take place in three weeks!
On Saturday I go to Czech Cup in cimbing for difficulty in Ostrava because I want to get nominated to the representation team. I spend the day surrounded by kids, which is a bit tedious but from the climbing point of view I feel good. During the qualification Kony and I get double Top, the routes are about 10-? The final is well-balanced, without resting, and Kuba and I have very similar results, but this time I get one move further so I earn the first place.
At eleven I'm home, I just have a glass of wine and go to bed, for tomorrow I plan to climb Drift 8C.
During the week I had a good session, I climbed the whole crux, so I'm really motivated. I feel the muscles on my arms a bit, but the conditions are amazing, so after warming up I start climbing and at the second attempt I'm at the top! In my view this is an easy 8C, or maybe only 8B+?
Štěpán tries Muskulatik and falls from the finish, I play a bit with Humidita 8A/A+ and its 8B extension, but we have to go. Now let's have a bit of plastic holds and training for the World Cup in Munchen which will take place in three weeks!