Závodní sezóna začala Českým pohárem v Jablonci nad Nisou, v pěkném prostředí Makak stěny. První závod je vždy plný nervozity a otazníků, kdo na tom jak je, a bojuje se o místa v repre teamu. Náš výlet začíná již v pátek, s Kačkou vyrážíme do Liberce na slavnostní vyhlašování Výstupů roku - přebírám cenu Čestné uznání v kategorii bouldering. Dlouho se nezdržujeme a frčíme k Foxikovi, kde rozebereme bouldering křížem krážem a proběhne lehká aktivace na campusu.
Čestné úznání v kategorii bouldering
V sobotu dopoledne si můžeme vychutnat úspěch Ester Ledecké na olympiádě a valíme na kvalifikaci, tou proběhnu celkem rychle, jenom jednou zaváhám a zapisuji 8 boulderů na 9 pokusů.
Odpoledne proběhneme Jabloncem a vracíme se zafandit na ženské (dívčí) finále, kde se prosazuje mládí - a to je dobře. V průběhu našeho finále tušíme, že moc Topů nepadá, takže moje nervozita není až taková. Daří se mi dát tři bouldery na OS, jedině ve dvojce šmatám po Topu, ale ani po několika pokusech se mi nepodaří dotáhnout závěrečný krok do Topu. Nejvíce se mi líbil třetí boulder - pohybová paráda, škoda jen, že nebyl trošku těžší. Všechny bouldery mohly být těžší... svěťáková kvalda bude těžší o řád! Výsledek mi celkem s přehledem stačí na první místo před Rishatem Khaibulinem a Štěpánem.
Nezdolaná dvojka
Finále 4
Stupně vítězů
A teď na necelé dva týdny do ráje!
The competition season began at the Makak gym in Jablonec nad Nisou where the first Czech Cup of this year took place. The first competition is always about lots of nerves and uncertainty, we are all curious how the others will do and who will get to the representation team. Our trip starts on Friday, Kačka and me go to Liberec to the Ascent of the Year ceremony where I get Honorable Mention in the bouldering category. We don't stay long, though, and move to Foxik's where we talk about bouldering a lot and I do a bit of a campus warm up.
On Sunday we enjoy Ester Ledecká's success at the Olympic games and then we hurry to the qualification. I run through it quite quickly, I hesitate just once so I have 8 boulders and 9 attempts.
In the afternoon we make a trip to Jablonec and get back to cheer at the women's (girls') final. There are many young climbers and that's good. During our final there aren't many tops, so I'm not that nervous. I climb three of the boulders OS, only the second boulder is so tricky I can't make the last move long enough to reach the top. Most I enjoyed the third boulder, the moves were awesome, too bad it wasn't a bit more difficult. Well, all the boulders could... the World Cup's qualification will be much harder! My score gets me a safe win, Rishat Khaibulin and Štěpán follow.
And now let's go to the paradise for two weeks!
The competition season began at the Makak gym in Jablonec nad Nisou where the first Czech Cup of this year took place. The first competition is always about lots of nerves and uncertainty, we are all curious how the others will do and who will get to the representation team. Our trip starts on Friday, Kačka and me go to Liberec to the Ascent of the Year ceremony where I get Honorable Mention in the bouldering category. We don't stay long, though, and move to Foxik's where we talk about bouldering a lot and I do a bit of a campus warm up.
On Sunday we enjoy Ester Ledecká's success at the Olympic games and then we hurry to the qualification. I run through it quite quickly, I hesitate just once so I have 8 boulders and 9 attempts.
In the afternoon we make a trip to Jablonec and get back to cheer at the women's (girls') final. There are many young climbers and that's good. During our final there aren't many tops, so I'm not that nervous. I climb three of the boulders OS, only the second boulder is so tricky I can't make the last move long enough to reach the top. Most I enjoyed the third boulder, the moves were awesome, too bad it wasn't a bit more difficult. Well, all the boulders could... the World Cup's qualification will be much harder! My score gets me a safe win, Rishat Khaibulin and Štěpán follow.
And now let's go to the paradise for two weeks!