O víkendu proběhlo čtvrté kolo Českého poháru v boulderingu v rámci MHFF. Byly připraveny nové profily, organizátoři kteří dávají vždy hodně energie do závodů a všechno na fesťáku s ohromným počem lidí, které spojuje to stejné - lezení. Několik let jsem se nemohl akce zůčastnit a tak jsem se letos moc na fesťák těšil. Kvalifikace proběhla trošku v komorním duchu, kvůli kilu za vstup, bouldry byly poměrně zdařilý a na to že byly převážně v kolmáčích tak mě i bavily.
Postoupil jsem z druhého místa do finále a pozici jsem si ve finále udržel, takže výsledek 2.místo. Vyhrál Kuba Hlaváček, třetí Chválič. Finále se mi moc líbilo, plno díváků, dobrej komentátor a hlavně super bouldry, parádně sem si zalezl. Jedinou smůlou pro nás bylo, že Kubovi výrazně v některých boulderech pomohla výška, ale tomu se vyhnout asi ani nedá, formu má a tak zaslouženě vyhrál. Honzovi Zozulákovi díky za závody, za mě letos zatím nejlepší závod.
Odpoledne jsem přizvanej na vyhlašování výstupů roku, kde je mi předáno Čestné uznání v boulderingu za přelez boulderu Dunkelkammer 8B+.
PAk se s Kačkou posilníme pořádným kusem chleba ze stánku a jedeme na Ostaš. Kačka nejdřív buší v Čertu a Pankáče za 5C, ze závodů je namotivovaná a sází pokus za pokusem. Teď kousek k přelezu chybí, tak se přesuneme ke kamenu Kostička, kde nejdříve vylezu Futer Line SD 7C+/8A a následně i projekt přímo převisem bez levé hrany, jehož klasu tipuju na 8A - Pockets of Future.
Převzato z www.horyinfo.cz
Pocket of Future 8A
Pak ještě zkusím přidat jeden krok ze sedu, vytrvalost už ale chybí a tak jediný co se mi povede je spadnout na kámen za zády a pěkně si zmalovat záda. Stavíme se ještě na Čertovi a Pankáče a Kačce se podaří její velký projekt přelézt.
Káča a její Pankáča 5C
Za týden ME v Nizozemsku a pak Silvretttttta
I moved up to the finals from the 2nd place and I managed to keep the position in the finals so I ended up the 2nd. Kuba Hlaváček won, Chválič was the 3rd. The finals were really good: lots of spectators, a good commenter and first of all, good-quality boulders. Our only bad luck was Kuba's height which helped him a lot here and there. Nevertheless, one can't do anything about it. He had good form so his victory was well-deserved. Thanks to Honza Zozulák for the race - the best of this year so far.
In the afternoon, I was invited to the announcement of the climbs of the year. I got a certificate of merit for climbing Dunkelhammer (8B+).
Then, refreshed by a proper piece of bread from the stall, Kačka and I moved to Ostaš. Kačka started with Čert a Pankáča (5C). Motivated from the race, she was sending one attempt next to another. Having missed just a small bit to complete the rock, we went on to Kostička. I started with Futer Line SD (7C+/8A) and subsequently did a left project (estimated class 8A): Pockets of Future.
Then I tried to add another move from the sitting position but my endurance was over. The only thing I managed was falling off to a rock and screwing my back. At another stop at Čert and Pankáča, Kačka finished her big project business.
Next week: European Championship in the Netherlands, followed by Silvretta.
Czech Cup Teplice nad Metují, Certificate of Merit, Pockets of Future
The 4th round of the Czech Cup in bouldering (part of the MHFF) took place last weekend. New proifiles had been set up and the organisers, always willing to give their all in the races, were ready. I was unable to take part for several years so I was quite excited this year. The qualifications were not heavily populated (because of the price of 100 Czech korunas). However, the boulders were well done and enjoyed them even despite the prevalence of vertical profiles.I moved up to the finals from the 2nd place and I managed to keep the position in the finals so I ended up the 2nd. Kuba Hlaváček won, Chválič was the 3rd. The finals were really good: lots of spectators, a good commenter and first of all, good-quality boulders. Our only bad luck was Kuba's height which helped him a lot here and there. Nevertheless, one can't do anything about it. He had good form so his victory was well-deserved. Thanks to Honza Zozulák for the race - the best of this year so far.
In the afternoon, I was invited to the announcement of the climbs of the year. I got a certificate of merit for climbing Dunkelhammer (8B+).
Then, refreshed by a proper piece of bread from the stall, Kačka and I moved to Ostaš. Kačka started with Čert a Pankáča (5C). Motivated from the race, she was sending one attempt next to another. Having missed just a small bit to complete the rock, we went on to Kostička. I started with Futer Line SD (7C+/8A) and subsequently did a left project (estimated class 8A): Pockets of Future.
Then I tried to add another move from the sitting position but my endurance was over. The only thing I managed was falling off to a rock and screwing my back. At another stop at Čert and Pankáča, Kačka finished her big project business.
Next week: European Championship in the Netherlands, followed by Silvretta.