V posledních dvou týdnech svíraly ČR třeskuté mrazy. V hlavě stále myslím na projekt v Labáku, na tréninku se cítím dobře a těším se. 14 dní na stěně je dlouhých, ale -8°C, -10°C je fakt moc. Na sobotu ale předpověď hlásila -4°C a sluníčko, takže jedu. Na místě je teplota k –6°C, slunce nikde, lehce fouká, je kosa, banda nadšenců ve skalách. Hlava je nastavená na přelez, takže to jde a po zahřátí můžu dát pokus. Padám v závěrečné pasáži, trochu promrzlý, natečený, chyběly ještě dva kroky.
Warrior 8C FA by Kuba Frič
Dávám delší pauzu, pokus horší, pokus o maličko lepší, boulder mi ukazuje, že to nebude zadarmo. Další pauza, skočím mrknout na borce v Megalodonu 8A+, Štěpán ho zrovna smahne, Fox posléze. Skálič vyleze Marylin, motivace a hype rostou. Cítím se už maličko bez šťávy a mám pochybnosti, pociťově se ale malinko oteplilo, dnes počtvrté dolézám do závěrečné pasáže, cítím se malinko lépe, držím jednoprstovku a pohlídám si krok do Topu. Yes! Warrior 8C.
Warrior 8C FA by Kuba Frič
Na závěr se dolezu v Žížalí Propojce za 8A a jedeme domů, dnes se může slavit. Video z Warriora od Lukáše Černého bude brzy, počkejte si, bude to stát za to.
Last two weeks it was freezing severely. I still have a project in Labák in my head. I feel good during the training and I'm looking forward to it. I spent 14 long days in the gym but 8 to 10 degrees below zero was too low temperature for outdoor climbing. The forecast for Saturday said there would be -4°C and the weather would be sunny. Actually, there was -6°C and no sun, the weather was a bit windy and cold, but there were many other climbing enthusiasts and my mind was set for a successful climb so I was doing pretty well.
After a warm up I start trying the project and I fall from the final section, a bit frozen and swollen but I was just two moves away from the top.
I take a long break, then I have one bad and one good attempt and the boulder really makes it clear that I'll need to earn this. I take another break and check out how the guys are doing in Megalodon 8A+. Štěpán just finishes, Fox follows soon. Skálič climbs Marylin, and the level of enthusiasm and hype is increasing. I feel all drained and I doubt that I can finish today, but it feels a bit warmer and I reach the final section for the fourth time, so suddenly I hold the one-finger hole and make sure to finish and get to the top. Yes! Warrior 8C.
I finish the session by Žížalí Propojka 8A and we go home, there is a lot to celebrate today. The video from Warrior by Lukáš Čern7 is coming soon, wait for it as it's really worth it.
After a warm up I start trying the project and I fall from the final section, a bit frozen and swollen but I was just two moves away from the top.
I take a long break, then I have one bad and one good attempt and the boulder really makes it clear that I'll need to earn this. I take another break and check out how the guys are doing in Megalodon 8A+. Štěpán just finishes, Fox follows soon. Skálič climbs Marylin, and the level of enthusiasm and hype is increasing. I feel all drained and I doubt that I can finish today, but it feels a bit warmer and I reach the final section for the fourth time, so suddenly I hold the one-finger hole and make sure to finish and get to the top. Yes! Warrior 8C.
I finish the session by Žížalí Propojka 8A and we go home, there is a lot to celebrate today. The video from Warrior by Lukáš Čern7 is coming soon, wait for it as it's really worth it.