O víkendu jsme se Štěpánem vyrazili na Petrohrad. Je krásně, chladno a modrá obloha. Vyhodím Štěpána ve vesnici a jedu dál na Mlýnksý Vrch, kde mám nedokončený byznys: Prsty v Ohni za 8B+. Rozlézám se s tejpkami, takticky, lišty je zařezávají velmi rychle. Po hodince zahřívání a zopakování částí boulderu dávám ostré pokusy, jednou spadnu hned na začátku, druhým pokusem se probíjím přes všechny lišty až na vrchol.
Prsty v Ohni 8B+
S Gulym balíme a přejíždíme zpět za Štěpánem. Sáhneme do mokrého Perného Dnu a rychle výš ke Frodovi Nakole. Štěpán se snaží zabrat za spoďák a já zase zkouším nález z prava právě do Froda. Než ale vymyslím, jak projít bolavou spárou, unavím se a ostré pokusy už nejsou to pravé, přesto padám čtyřikrát těsně pod hranou. Ale o tom to je.
Frodo Proj
Po včerejších nových opatřeních teď hurá na lištu, ale snad vše brzy opadne a budeme moci zase ven!
At weekend Štěpán and me go to Petrohrad. The weather is awesome – it's cool but the sky is blue. Štěpán drops off in the village and I drive to Mlýnský Vrch, where I have unfinished business: Prsty v Ohni 8B+. I already have my fingers taped during the warm up as there are some pretty sharp holds. After an hour of warming up and repeating a few parts of the boulder I start serious attempts. I fall once right at the beginning, and then, at the second attempt, I get through all the ledges up to the top.
I pack my stuff and together with Guly I pick up Štěpán and together we try the soaked Perný Den boulder and also Frodo Nakole. Štěpán tries to use the undercling and I try to climb from the right. However, I get tired before I figure out how to overcome the crack so the attempts aren't very good. Despite that I almost get to the edge four times. Well, never mind, this is the life.
After the new government resolution which was adopted yesterday I'll spend some time indoors but hopefully all of this will soon be over and we'll be able to go out again!
At weekend Štěpán and me go to Petrohrad. The weather is awesome – it's cool but the sky is blue. Štěpán drops off in the village and I drive to Mlýnský Vrch, where I have unfinished business: Prsty v Ohni 8B+. I already have my fingers taped during the warm up as there are some pretty sharp holds. After an hour of warming up and repeating a few parts of the boulder I start serious attempts. I fall once right at the beginning, and then, at the second attempt, I get through all the ledges up to the top.
I pack my stuff and together with Guly I pick up Štěpán and together we try the soaked Perný Den boulder and also Frodo Nakole. Štěpán tries to use the undercling and I try to climb from the right. However, I get tired before I figure out how to overcome the crack so the attempts aren't very good. Despite that I almost get to the edge four times. Well, never mind, this is the life.
After the new government resolution which was adopted yesterday I'll spend some time indoors but hopefully all of this will soon be over and we'll be able to go out again!