Počasí v posledních dnech zimu moc nepřipomínalo, ale na neděli to vypadá slušně, tak se rýsuje další šance na projekt na Židárně. Se Štěpánem mám sraz v Humpolci, přesednu do jeho Octavie a po osmé hodině jsme pod převisem. Skála vymrzlá a suchá, teplota -6°C, ale má se oteplit. Rozlez je tedy bolavý a dlouho trvá než aktivujeme tělo.
Cyklone 8B+
Po zopakování kroků dávám ostré pokusy, ale tělo ještě nefunguje, 2x padám v úvodním traverzu, pak v klíčovém místě, ale se zmrzlými prsty bez šance na úspěch. Vymyslím si trochu lepší úchop přídrže na pravou ruku a jako klíčový krok se jeví navlhčit si před cruxem prsty, namágovat a pak už to drží. Taky se trochu otepluje a tělo funguje lépe. Dám pokus, kdy udržím hranu, chci to pojistit a udržet nohy ve stropě, ale v tu ránu mi to šmykne. Spočinu, dalším pokusem jsem opět na hraně a tentokrát poskočím do topových chytů a udržím vývlav. Cyklone, určitě jedno z tvrdších 8B+.
Cyklone 8B+
Štěpán mezitím ladí odbočku z Holokaustu a následně prodloužení o nástupové kroky Pumy, vše pošle rychle, v převisu je síla. Já si na závěr ještě tréninkově vyzkouším jednu z jeho novinek, Plynovou Komoru za 8A+/B, a dvakrát padnu v posledním kroku. Levá ruka už nefunguje, takže je čas jet domů.
Lately the weather wasn't much like winter but it looks quite good at weekend so we've got another chance to finish the project at Židárna. I meet Štěpán at Humpolec, get on board of his Octavia and at about 8 o'clock we're already under the overhang. The rock is dry and frozen, it's about -6°C, but the temperature should rise later. The warm up really hurts and it takes us long time to activate our bodies.
After refreshing the moves I start the serious attempts but my body hasn't woken up yet, I fall twice from the traverse and then once from the crux, my frozen fingers are a pain. I make up a better way to grip the rock with my right hand and before the crux I moisten the fingers and put on some chalk and then it's ok. Also it's getting a bit warmer so my body is slowly starting to cooperate. I get to the edge and want to place the feet better but I slip. I take a rest and then I jump to the top holds and finally finish the boulder. I call it Cyklone, definitely one of the harder 8B+s.
Štěpán is working on Holokaust prolonged by the first few moves of Puma, and sends it pretty soon. At the end of the session I try one of his new boulders, Plynová Komora 8A+/B, but I fall from the last move twice, my left hand isn't working any more, so it's high time to go home.
Lately the weather wasn't much like winter but it looks quite good at weekend so we've got another chance to finish the project at Židárna. I meet Štěpán at Humpolec, get on board of his Octavia and at about 8 o'clock we're already under the overhang. The rock is dry and frozen, it's about -6°C, but the temperature should rise later. The warm up really hurts and it takes us long time to activate our bodies.
After refreshing the moves I start the serious attempts but my body hasn't woken up yet, I fall twice from the traverse and then once from the crux, my frozen fingers are a pain. I make up a better way to grip the rock with my right hand and before the crux I moisten the fingers and put on some chalk and then it's ok. Also it's getting a bit warmer so my body is slowly starting to cooperate. I get to the edge and want to place the feet better but I slip. I take a rest and then I jump to the top holds and finally finish the boulder. I call it Cyklone, definitely one of the harder 8B+s.
Štěpán is working on Holokaust prolonged by the first few moves of Puma, and sends it pretty soon. At the end of the session I try one of his new boulders, Plynová Komora 8A+/B, but I fall from the last move twice, my left hand isn't working any more, so it's high time to go home.