V pátek jsem se zúčastnil závodu Gladiator Challenge u nás v HK, byla to pěkná akce a bylo zajímavé zkusit si trochu jiný sport - překážkový běh na 100 metrů. Překážky byly dost lezecké, hlavně na začátku, tam jsem si vždy udělal náskok a ten udržel až do cíle, ve vyřazovacích bězích jsem neudělal větší chybu a celý závod vyhrál. Více info a video na FB - Gladiator race.
Gladiator Race
Gladiátor mi dal hodně zabrat a ještě dnes cítím svaly, proto nedělní plán jet na skály vzdávám a razíme s Kačkou v pondělí na podvečerní session do Szklarske Poreby. Je nádherně, ale celkem teplo a bezvětří, ale jsme rádi venku a že se leze, i když ruce by ještě raději rest. Nejprve ladím novinku Star Gate za 8A+, po zkrokování dávám druhým pokusem s trochu jinou betou než měli Magnus se Zákořem.
Star Gate 8A+
Dám si chvíli pauzu a zkouším low start, který hned prvním pokusem pouští, i když to lezu jako lajdák. Vlastně se přídají 4 kroky okolo 7C, celkem tak 8A+/B? Ani nevím, v převisu se teď cítím božsky.
Star Gate low 8A+/B
Dál se zkouším pověsit do ultimátního projektu po levém převislém kýlu, zkouším kde co, ale nějak nic nefunguje, v převisu se udržím, ale udělat krok? To nejde.
Hard projekt 8C+?
Zbývá pověsit se do Relikvie za 8A+/B, takový oblez celého převisu. Úvodní lehké kroky střídá technické zakládání špiček a je potřeba pohrát si s oblinou, jsem tu napnutý, je teplo a nic nevychází. Přelez Relikvie bude muset počkat na příště, rádi se ale vrátíme sem do krásy Krkonoš.
Relikvie 8A+/B
On Friday I took part in the Gladiator Challenge here in Hradec Králové, it was interesting to try a new sport - obstacle course for 100 meters. The obstacles were pretty much about climbing, especially at the beginning, so I got the lead and kept it till the end. I didn't make any significant mistake in the run-offs and I won the whole race. See the FB page - Gladiator race for more information and videos.
Gladiátor took its toll, though. I still feel all the sore muscles so I change the original plan to go to rocks on Sunday and I take Kačka to a session to Szklarska Poreba on Monday instead. The weather is beautiful, even though a little too hot and there's no wind, but we're glad that we're outdoors and that we can climb. First I check the new Star Gate 8A+ boulder, after trying the single moves I finish at the second attempt with a little different beta than the one that Magnus and Zákoř used.
I take a break and then I try the low start. I finish it immediately, even though I was climbing a bit lazily. There are four more moves, with a grade about 7C, added to the original boulder, so the whole climb could be an 8A+/B? I don't really know, I feel awesome in the overhang.
Also I go for the ultimate project on the left, I try this and that but nothing works, I'm able to hold on in the overhang but to move? No way.
The last thing I want to try is Relikvie 8A+/B, kind of a bypass to the overhang. The easy inital moves are soon replaced by pretty technical climbing on toes and round structures, I'm strained, it's hot and nothing works for me, I'll have to wait for this climb until the next session, but it'll be a pleasure for us to come back here to the beautiful landscape of Krkonoše.
Gladiátor took its toll, though. I still feel all the sore muscles so I change the original plan to go to rocks on Sunday and I take Kačka to a session to Szklarska Poreba on Monday instead. The weather is beautiful, even though a little too hot and there's no wind, but we're glad that we're outdoors and that we can climb. First I check the new Star Gate 8A+ boulder, after trying the single moves I finish at the second attempt with a little different beta than the one that Magnus and Zákoř used.
I take a break and then I try the low start. I finish it immediately, even though I was climbing a bit lazily. There are four more moves, with a grade about 7C, added to the original boulder, so the whole climb could be an 8A+/B? I don't really know, I feel awesome in the overhang.
Also I go for the ultimate project on the left, I try this and that but nothing works, I'm able to hold on in the overhang but to move? No way.
The last thing I want to try is Relikvie 8A+/B, kind of a bypass to the overhang. The easy inital moves are soon replaced by pretty technical climbing on toes and round structures, I'm strained, it's hot and nothing works for me, I'll have to wait for this climb until the next session, but it'll be a pleasure for us to come back here to the beautiful landscape of Krkonoše.