Po měsíční závodní pauze se o víkendu konal 4. Český pohár v Jablonci nad Nisou, v pěkném prostředí Mšenské přehrady. Na to, že je léto, je poměrně chladno a v kvalifikaci se leze příjemně,. Bouldery jsou v lehčím duchu a po necelých dvaceti minutách mám hotovo se zápisem 8 boulderů na 9 pokusů, což vychází na první postupové místo do finále.
Kvalifikace by Kačka
Po krátké pauze už musíme do izolace a hned jak odlezou holky, jdeme do ringu my. Finále je tentokrát ve svěťákovém duchu, bouldery o dva levely jinde než v kvalifikaci, ale na to mělo určitě vliv i slunce, které se opřelo do závodních profilů. Jednička je těžký kolmáč, jako jedinému se mi podaří probaletit strukturami a mám velkou radost. Že by to cvičení s fyzioterapeuty a po ránech k něčemu bylo?
Finálová 1 by Kačka
Dvojka se motá okolo mikrolišty, přes kterou se mi v tom vedru nedaří přejít, Rishat a Chválič dávají, takže skóre se vyrovnává.
Finálová dvojka by Standa Mitáč
Trojka je kout s oklouzanými strukturami, jednou mi to ujede pod topem, druhým pokusem posílám.
Čtyřka je silovka, řezky a struktury, celkem se leze a k vítězství ji potřebuji dát na OS, což se mi daří.
Finálová 4 by Standa Mitáč
S Honzou Chválou máme stejný zápis na topech, já zapisuji o jednu zónu víc, a tak skoro nejtěsnějším možným rozdílem vyhrávám, dneska štěstíčko. Třetí končí Rishat Khaibulin.
Záznam z finále tu
Na severu zůstáváme do neděle, nedělní horké ráno nám ale nedává moc nadějí na pěkný čas ve skalách, a tak si místo toho dáváme workout session s Foxíkovci, debatujeme, malá IF je kouzelná, zajdeme do zoo a moc se nám ani nechce zpět do HK.
Pozávodní workout
Teď dva týdny tvrdého tréninku, dvě soustředění a ME Mnichov!
After a month without competitions I took part in the 4th Czech Cup in Jablonec nad Nisou, in the beautiful environment of Mšenská přehrada. For summer, the weather is quite cold so the qualification climbing is pleasant. The boulders are easy for me and I'm done with them within 20 minutes (8 boulders, 9 attempts) passing to the final from the first place.
We have a short break and then we go to isolation. Once the girls finish, it's our turn. The final is similar to the World Cup level, the boulders are about two levels more difficult than those in qualification, but part of it may be thanks to the shining sun. The first boulder is a hard vertical, I am the only one who gets through the structures and I'm very happy that all the training with the physiotherapists and in the morning did actually help.
The second boulder has a micro ledge which I cannot pass in the hot weather. Rishat and Chválič, ob the other hand, succeed so they even the score.
Number three is a dihedral with slippery structures, once I fall from under the top and then I send it at the second attempt.
Number four is a power boulder, lots of people finish this one and to win I need to climb it OS - so I do :)
Honza Chvála and me have the same score as for the tops, but I have one more zone, so I win in the closest way possible. I was really lucky today. Rishat Khaibulin ends up third.
We stay until Sunday but the hot weather is not very promising for a good rock climbing so we have a workout session with the Foxíks, have a chat and then go to the ZOO. We don't really want to go back to Hradec Králové.
And now two weeks of training hard, two training sessions and then the European Championship in Munchen comes!
After a month without competitions I took part in the 4th Czech Cup in Jablonec nad Nisou, in the beautiful environment of Mšenská přehrada. For summer, the weather is quite cold so the qualification climbing is pleasant. The boulders are easy for me and I'm done with them within 20 minutes (8 boulders, 9 attempts) passing to the final from the first place.
We have a short break and then we go to isolation. Once the girls finish, it's our turn. The final is similar to the World Cup level, the boulders are about two levels more difficult than those in qualification, but part of it may be thanks to the shining sun. The first boulder is a hard vertical, I am the only one who gets through the structures and I'm very happy that all the training with the physiotherapists and in the morning did actually help.
The second boulder has a micro ledge which I cannot pass in the hot weather. Rishat and Chválič, ob the other hand, succeed so they even the score.
Number three is a dihedral with slippery structures, once I fall from under the top and then I send it at the second attempt.
Number four is a power boulder, lots of people finish this one and to win I need to climb it OS - so I do :)
Honza Chvála and me have the same score as for the tops, but I have one more zone, so I win in the closest way possible. I was really lucky today. Rishat Khaibulin ends up third.
We stay until Sunday but the hot weather is not very promising for a good rock climbing so we have a workout session with the Foxíks, have a chat and then go to the ZOO. We don't really want to go back to Hradec Králové.
And now two weeks of training hard, two training sessions and then the European Championship in Munchen comes!