Víkendová předpověď počasí moc nenahrávala boulderingu na severu Čech, a tak volba padá na odškrtnutí projektu na Hirschwande - Der Gusseiserne Dackel Low za 8B+. Cesta je sice dlouhá, ale vábení Dackela je větší. Dlouho neváhám a v hlavě naladím rychlý přelez.
Der gusseiserne Dackel Low 8B+
Opakuji kroky, podmínka není nejlepší, chyty lehce zavlhlé a první pokusy vůbec nevypadají dobře: nohy kloužou, ruce slaboučké... Dneska to rychle nepůjde. Nicméně každý pokus je lepší a lepší, roli hraje především hlava. Těžké kroky v hlavě postupně navolím jako lehké kroky a padám z větších a větších výšek. Vždy mám mezi pokusy 10-15 minut pauzu a dnes celkem po třech hodinách dolézám do topového madla! Jedno z těch těžších 8B+ a celkem mé patnácté.
Der gusseiserne Dackel Low 8B+
Ještě nějaký trénink a ve středu tralá na China attack, dva světáky v řadě, a Japan, sledujte Instagram!
The weather forecast for weekend wasn't much in favour of bouldering in Northern Bohemia, so I decided to check off the project at Hirschwande instead - Der Gusseiserne Dackel Low 8B+. The journey there is long but Dackel is so tempting that I don't hesitate and start figuring out the quick way to climb it.
I repeat the moves, the conditions are far from ideal and the holds are slightly moist. The first attempts do not look good at all, my feet are slipping, hands are weak... the climb won't obviously be THAT quick today. Nevertheless, each new attempt is better and better, the mind plays a crucial role. In my head I make the hard moves look easy and everytime I fall, I fall from higher spots than before. I have a 10-15 minute break after each attempt and after 3 hours I finally get to the top bucket! It's been one of the harder 8B+s, my fifteenth.
After a bit of training I'm going to two World Cups in China and then to Japan, watch my Instagram!
The weather forecast for weekend wasn't much in favour of bouldering in Northern Bohemia, so I decided to check off the project at Hirschwande instead - Der Gusseiserne Dackel Low 8B+. The journey there is long but Dackel is so tempting that I don't hesitate and start figuring out the quick way to climb it.
I repeat the moves, the conditions are far from ideal and the holds are slightly moist. The first attempts do not look good at all, my feet are slipping, hands are weak... the climb won't obviously be THAT quick today. Nevertheless, each new attempt is better and better, the mind plays a crucial role. In my head I make the hard moves look easy and everytime I fall, I fall from higher spots than before. I have a 10-15 minute break after each attempt and after 3 hours I finally get to the top bucket! It's been one of the harder 8B+s, my fifteenth.
After a bit of training I'm going to two World Cups in China and then to Japan, watch my Instagram!