Kolotoč se roztočil minulý týden a podruhé se otočil teď o víkendu v Pardubickém Ideonu. Kvalifikačním kolem procházím s výsledkem 7 topů na 19 pokusů a 1.místem, nejvíce potrápí koutek a kolmáč (viz foto), přece jen je celkem vedro a struktury nedrží, jak mají.
Kvalifikační slab
Finále je v komornějším duchu a už v izolaci tušíme, že stavěči si pro nás připravili těžké oříšky k rozlousknutí. V prvním kolmáči mi chvíli trvá, než se zkoordinuji a dostanu se do zóny, pak je potřeba zabaletit a protlačit strukturu, vždy mi sklouzne noha, ale to je spíš důsledek mé neohebnosti než problém lezečky.
Finále 1
Dvojka je čistě o síle přes super chyt ze série Tokyo2020. Vím, že musím dát, naštěstí tady není moc co řešit: levá - pravá, seno - sláma a jsem prvním pokusem v Topu. Je to nejlehčí finálový boulder a jsem trochu překvapený, že se to více nelezlo.
Finále 2
To ve trojce se musí zabrat mnohem víc, prvním pokusem se proplavu pod Top a tomu jen zamávám a chvíli pak trvá, než se zase nadechnu. Druhým pokusem se snažím mágovat, jak to jde, a doletím do Topu, euforie, super pocit.
Finále 3
Poslední boulder není nijak zvlášť těžký, chce to jen přijít na všechny finesy, náskok, koutek a pohlídat si Top, ne silou, ale technikou. Sice boulder lezu asi minutu, ale z první je Top.
Finále 4
Celkem mám tedy výsledek 3T4P a tentokrát pohodové první místo! Druhý je Chválič a za ním Štěpán s jedním Topem, další Top už přidal jen Honza Novák, který ho jako jediný vylezl na jedničce, a zbytek se rval už jen o zóny. Z mého pohledu dobré finále, nemusel jsem se zbytečně nervovat, ale muselo se i pořádně zabrat, takže mělo smysl tu být. I když... nebyla by lepší příprava na nadcházející svěťáky tady https://www.facebook.com/StudioBlocMasters/?fref=ts ? Je potřeba neustále dokazovat, že sem schopný nominovat se do repre?
The competition marathon started last week and the second run was this weekend in the Ideon in Pardubice. I get through the qualification with 7 tops in 19 attempts and the 1st place. The greatest challenge is the dihedral and the vertical (see the photo) - it's quite hot and I cannot keep on the structures.
The final is more intimate and while waiting in the isolation we have a premonition that the boulders prepared by the builders will be tough nuts to crack. In the first vertical it takes me a while to get coordinated and reach the zone, after that I need to get over the structure and my foot keeps slipping but it seems that the problem is my poor flexibility, not the shoe.
Number two is a pure power boulder, with a cool hold from the Tokyo2020 set. I know I just have to climb this one, fortunately there's nothing to worry about and I reach the top at the first attempt - it's the easiest final boulder and I'm a bit surprised there weren't more finishers.
The third boulder, on the other hand, requires much more effort, in the first attempt I get under the top just to smile and wave to it and it takes a while until I catch my breath again. During the second attempt I chalk as much as I can and I almost fly to the top. I'm euphoric, this feels so good!
The last boulder isn't that hard, I just need to figure out few tricks - a start, a dihedral and then one just needs to watch the top and use technique instead of muscles. Even though it takes a minute or so, I have the top at the first attempt.
In total my result is 3T4P and an easy win! Chválič is second and Štěpán is third with one top. Honza Novák had the only other top, the rest of the finalists were just going for the zones. From my point of view it was a good final. I had no need to feel nervous but I also had to make effort so it was definitely worth being here. Although... wouldn't it be better to get prepared for the upcoming World Cups here https://www.facebook.com/StudioBlocMasters/?fref=ts ? Is it really necessary to constantly prove that I am able to qualify for the representation?
The competition marathon started last week and the second run was this weekend in the Ideon in Pardubice. I get through the qualification with 7 tops in 19 attempts and the 1st place. The greatest challenge is the dihedral and the vertical (see the photo) - it's quite hot and I cannot keep on the structures.
The final is more intimate and while waiting in the isolation we have a premonition that the boulders prepared by the builders will be tough nuts to crack. In the first vertical it takes me a while to get coordinated and reach the zone, after that I need to get over the structure and my foot keeps slipping but it seems that the problem is my poor flexibility, not the shoe.
Number two is a pure power boulder, with a cool hold from the Tokyo2020 set. I know I just have to climb this one, fortunately there's nothing to worry about and I reach the top at the first attempt - it's the easiest final boulder and I'm a bit surprised there weren't more finishers.
The third boulder, on the other hand, requires much more effort, in the first attempt I get under the top just to smile and wave to it and it takes a while until I catch my breath again. During the second attempt I chalk as much as I can and I almost fly to the top. I'm euphoric, this feels so good!
The last boulder isn't that hard, I just need to figure out few tricks - a start, a dihedral and then one just needs to watch the top and use technique instead of muscles. Even though it takes a minute or so, I have the top at the first attempt.
In total my result is 3T4P and an easy win! Chválič is second and Štěpán is third with one top. Honza Novák had the only other top, the rest of the finalists were just going for the zones. From my point of view it was a good final. I had no need to feel nervous but I also had to make effort so it was definitely worth being here. Although... wouldn't it be better to get prepared for the upcoming World Cups here https://www.facebook.com/StudioBlocMasters/?fref=ts ? Is it really necessary to constantly prove that I am able to qualify for the representation?