Tak se rok s rokem sešel a zase jsme vstávali v sobotu o šestej, abychom byli jedni z prvních na Rajčeti. Kvalifikační kolo bylo trefený obtížností skvěle, mě se podařilo vylézt všechny s pěti opravami, což mi zajistilo druhý postupový místo. Kačka taky závodila, ale ještě prý musí trošku potrénovat, aby to bylo na finále:) Odpoledne strávíme ve společnosti Honzy Chvály, kterej předvedl svoje umění v kuchyni a Peti Klímy. Večerní finále bab mě osobně příliš nebavilo, nicméně vyhrála Peťa Růžičková před Nelly Kudrovou. Následně jsme pokřtili nový kalendář a šlo se na věc. Jdeme od boulderu k boulderu a v každým nějakej skok, obliny, madla. Všechno mi sedlo a kromě jednoho zaváhání na nástupu vše pošlu na první. Postupně odpadává nejhorší a na poslední pětku jdeme ve třech. Ta vede na bombastický kouli visící ze stropu od Aixáků. Na začátku se shybuje, bohužel si nepohlídám nohu a trochu štrejchnu o matici, Kozel řve ať lezu dál, ale mě to nedá a jdu dolů. Musíme být poctivý. Pokus byl jen jeden, na předešlý výkony v bouldrech se nebralo ohled a tak jsem víceméně daroval Maťovi Švubovi druhý místo a já skončil třetí. Adam nezaváhal ani v jednom z bouldrů a s lehkostí si dokráčel pro první místo. Večer strávíme ve společnosti skvělých lidí a společensky unaveni se před druhou vypotácíme z Flédy.
Závod skvělej jako pokaždý, systém finále, kterej byl nastolenej nemusí být tolik reprezentativní jako klasika, na druhou stranu pro všechny jsou podmínky stejný. Letos mi přišlo, že vázla organizace, mi finalisti jsem nevěděli co, kdy, kde, na věčný čekání na kapely jsme už možná zvyklí.
PS: byl to letos nejlepší závod sezóny? Ani nevím, možná Husky X?
So, another year was over so we once again got up on Saturday at six to be among the first on Rajče. Qualifying round difficulty level was hit just right. I managed to climb up everything with five corrections which guaranteed me the second place with advancing to the finals. Kačka took part in the competition as well but she must train a little before being able to advance next time :-) We spent the afternoon in the company of Peťa Klíma and Honza Chvála who showed off his skills in the kitchen. I did not enjoy women's finals in the evening that much. Nevertheless, Peťa Růžičková won, Nelly Kudrová was the second. Subsequently we christened the new calendar and then we went for it. We were passing from boulder to boulder. There was a sort of leap, bulge, or handle at each piece. All of them suited me well. Except of one slip-up at the beginning, I sent everything at the first attempt. People were gradually falling away. Last three racers were left for the final Five. It featured a spectacular sphere hanging from the ceiling. There was a pull-up at the beginning. My foot slipped up so I slightly touched the nut. Kozel shouted at me to go on but I couldn't and gave it in. We must play fair. There was just one attempt, the previous climbings were not taken into account so I basically gave the 2nd place to Maťo Švub. I myself ended up the 3rd. Adam did not miss out a single thing so he gracefully won the 1st place. We spent the evening with some nice people. Tired and tipsy, we left Fléda club before 2 o'clock in the morning.
The competition was great as every time. The final round system introduced might not have been as representative as the classic way. On the other hand, the conditions were the same for everyone. This year I found it that the organisation was not that smooth - the climbers in the final round were a little confused.
PS: Was that the best race of the year? I don't know, what about Husky X?
Mejcup 2012
So, another year was over so we once again got up on Saturday at six to be among the first on Rajče. Qualifying round difficulty level was hit just right. I managed to climb up everything with five corrections which guaranteed me the second place with advancing to the finals. Kačka took part in the competition as well but she must train a little before being able to advance next time :-) We spent the afternoon in the company of Peťa Klíma and Honza Chvála who showed off his skills in the kitchen. I did not enjoy women's finals in the evening that much. Nevertheless, Peťa Růžičková won, Nelly Kudrová was the second. Subsequently we christened the new calendar and then we went for it. We were passing from boulder to boulder. There was a sort of leap, bulge, or handle at each piece. All of them suited me well. Except of one slip-up at the beginning, I sent everything at the first attempt. People were gradually falling away. Last three racers were left for the final Five. It featured a spectacular sphere hanging from the ceiling. There was a pull-up at the beginning. My foot slipped up so I slightly touched the nut. Kozel shouted at me to go on but I couldn't and gave it in. We must play fair. There was just one attempt, the previous climbings were not taken into account so I basically gave the 2nd place to Maťo Švub. I myself ended up the 3rd. Adam did not miss out a single thing so he gracefully won the 1st place. We spent the evening with some nice people. Tired and tipsy, we left Fléda club before 2 o'clock in the morning.
The competition was great as every time. The final round system introduced might not have been as representative as the classic way. On the other hand, the conditions were the same for everyone. This year I found it that the organisation was not that smooth - the climbers in the final round were a little confused.
PS: Was that the best race of the year? I don't know, what about Husky X?