V neděli ještě pozkouším levou hranu na trojuhelníku, avšak bez sebemenšího úspěchu. Káťa ještě očistí kamen naproti za cestou, kde posléze uděláme jednokrokový 7A+ a 5A. Nakonec si ještě s Kačkou očistíme projekty napříště nedaleko Šmoulova a jedeme dom. Krásnej víkend se supr lidma a Alfínem, díky!!
Zlatý Drak 8A+
Filming at Bor (2nd part)
After the unsuccessful attempt to do some filming at Bor in winter, we went there again last weekend. The weather was perfect. I climbed Zlatý Drak (8A+) for the shooting. I could not do crux move on Saturday but I got used to it the next day so in the end, I did it. On Saturday evening, I also added Šváchič's new thing -- Mozartovy koule 7C.
I was also trying a left variant on the triangle on Sunday but without any success. Káťa also tried to clean the boulder on the other side of the way where we did a one-move 7A+ and a 5A. After some additional cleaning of the projects nearby Šmoulov, we went home. What a beautiful weekend with cool people and with Alfine. Thanks!
After the unsuccessful attempt to do some filming at Bor in winter, we went there again last weekend. The weather was perfect. I climbed Zlatý Drak (8A+) for the shooting. I could not do crux move on Saturday but I got used to it the next day so in the end, I did it. On Saturday evening, I also added Šváchič's new thing -- Mozartovy koule 7C.
I was also trying a left variant on the triangle on Sunday but without any success. Káťa also tried to clean the boulder on the other side of the way where we did a one-move 7A+ and a 5A. After some additional cleaning of the projects nearby Šmoulov, we went home. What a beautiful weekend with cool people and with Alfine. Thanks!