Vyrážím zrevidovat projekt na Lešově – krutě převislá deska a tři bočáky daleko od sebe. První krok jde, druhý je unreal, pak dolez 7C. Hledám všemožné přídrže, ale sotva se v převisu držím – to je mega hard, 9A?
Projekt Lešov 9A?
Hlavně chci vyzkoušet Big Fat Flying Dumbo 8B. S předskalím si ten nálet ještě dokážu představit, ale bez něho? To mi přijde daleko větší rozdíl než jen půl stupně. Utíkám do Big Frostyho 8A+. Pěkná campusová linka, dvakrát spadnu v náskoku do oblinky, potřetí už ne.
Big Frosty 8A+
Dále jdu na Danajský Dar 8A+/B, u toho mi chvíli trvá, než vůbec pochopím, jak to vede. Celkem dlouho mi nejdou hned úvodní kroky společné s Jemností Imaginace bez patestu, zbytek už je ok, a je to spíše o vytrvalosti. Po několika pádech v závěru mám boulder pěkně naběhaný a dolézám ke konci už celkem fresh. Přelez nakonec není taková dřina. Pěkná propojka.
It's time to check the project in Lešov, a cruel overhanging slab and three side pulls. The first move is quite ok but the following one is totally unreal, the finish itself is a 7C. I'm trying to find a way to get to the top but I can barely hold in the overhang. It's awfully hard, possibly a 9A?
After an hour I give up and decide to move to Jiskra.
Most of all I want to try Big Fat Flying Dumbo 8B but it also seems insane. I think the difference in grade is bigger than half of a point. So I flee to Big Frosty 8A+, which is a nice campus line, I fall twice from the jump but the third attempt is successful.
Then I go for Danajský Dar 8A+/B, it takes a while until I find the way and I also quite struggle with the first few moves which the boulder shares with the Jemnost Imaginace boulder. The rest is ok and it's more of an endurance climb. After falling several times from the final part of the boulder I have the necessary knack for it and eventually it's a piece of cake for me. A very nice link, indeed.
After an hour I give up and decide to move to Jiskra.
Most of all I want to try Big Fat Flying Dumbo 8B but it also seems insane. I think the difference in grade is bigger than half of a point. So I flee to Big Frosty 8A+, which is a nice campus line, I fall twice from the jump but the third attempt is successful.
Then I go for Danajský Dar 8A+/B, it takes a while until I find the way and I also quite struggle with the first few moves which the boulder shares with the Jemnost Imaginace boulder. The rest is ok and it's more of an endurance climb. After falling several times from the final part of the boulder I have the necessary knack for it and eventually it's a piece of cake for me. A very nice link, indeed.
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