Do ČR přišla studená fronta, ochladilo se o 15 stupňů, luxusní lezecká podmínka, a tak rychle na projekt do Krasu. Razíme s Kačkou hned v pátek po práci, cesta HK-Kras je peklo, všude se opravuje silnice a doprava stojí.
Sloupská Jeskyně
Okolo páté hodiny jsme na místě, projekt je krásně suchý, naladíme světlo, aktivuji se ve vrchní části a jde se na pokusy.
Tekuté Štěstí 8C FA
Hned prvním pokusem dolézám do posledního kroku, jsem vyšťavený a jenom mávnu rukou do vzduchu, daleko od doskokového madla.
Tekuté Štěstí 8C FA
Mezi pokusy dávám delší pauzu, převis dojí a vždycky to dlouho rozdýchávám. Každý pokus, pokud to nezbabrám hned na úvodu, je lepší a lepší, nejprve tečuji doskokové madlo, pak ho pohladím, dalším pokusem to vyjde a dolétnu ho! Dvě minuty dobrý odpočinek v madlu a závěrečné kroky, které si už vychutnám.
Tekuté Štěstí 8C FA
A Video hýr!
Tekuté Štěstí 8C FA
Na závěr se dolezu v novince Kurvafix za 7C+, chyty jsou ještě trošku zaprášené, mám prach i v očích, žádná hitparáda, ale krokově je to krása.
Cold front came to the Czech Republic and temperatures dropped by 15 degrees, climbing conditions are great so I hurry back to my project at Kras. Kačka and me go right after work but the journey from Hradec Králové to Kras is awful - the roads are being repaired everywhere and traffic is totally paralyzed.
We arrive at about five o'clock, the project is nice and dry, we set up the light, I warm up in the upper part of the boulder and then I go for it.
At the very first attempt I get to the last move, but I'm totally exhausted and just wave my hand in the air, far, far away from the bucket.
I take a long break after each attempt, the overhang takes its toll and I need loads of time to catch my breath. However, every attempt (provided I don't screw up the beginning) is better and better, first I only touch the bucket, then I stroke it and the following attempt is sucessful and I'm holding it! I take two-minute rest there and then I enjoy the rest of the moves.
I call the boulder Tekuté Štěstí 8C, it's one of the most difficult boulders I've ever climbed! See the video.
I conclude the session with a new Kurvafix 7C+ boulder, the holds are still a bit dusty and I also have dust in my eyes, but the moves are fun and really worth it.
Cold front came to the Czech Republic and temperatures dropped by 15 degrees, climbing conditions are great so I hurry back to my project at Kras. Kačka and me go right after work but the journey from Hradec Králové to Kras is awful - the roads are being repaired everywhere and traffic is totally paralyzed.
We arrive at about five o'clock, the project is nice and dry, we set up the light, I warm up in the upper part of the boulder and then I go for it.
At the very first attempt I get to the last move, but I'm totally exhausted and just wave my hand in the air, far, far away from the bucket.
I take a long break after each attempt, the overhang takes its toll and I need loads of time to catch my breath. However, every attempt (provided I don't screw up the beginning) is better and better, first I only touch the bucket, then I stroke it and the following attempt is sucessful and I'm holding it! I take two-minute rest there and then I enjoy the rest of the moves.
I call the boulder Tekuté Štěstí 8C, it's one of the most difficult boulders I've ever climbed! See the video.
I conclude the session with a new Kurvafix 7C+ boulder, the holds are still a bit dusty and I also have dust in my eyes, but the moves are fun and really worth it.
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