Antarktida nás konečně ve čtvrtek pustila zpět a do neděle to byly celkem hektické dny, procestovaných 14 000 km, naspaných 13 hodin, užívání si Kačky, rodiny a taky venkovního boulderingu. Volím Bahratal, který je v zimě ideální destinací, a jdu rovnou na Back Flip 8B/B+, který jsem kdysi pokoušel, ale tehdy ani nezkrokoval. Rozlezu se v závěrečné pasáži za 7A+ a pak se peru s kroky v krásné převislé hraně. Pomalu přicházím na program a každým nálezem mě boulder víc a víc baví. Po hodince můžu pokusovat, pomalu se otepluje a chyty začínají vlhnout, ale v oblinách to možná trochu lépe drží a po hodině ostrých pokusů se mi daří dolézt do závěrečné pasáže, kde už si pohlídám přelez.
Back Flip 8B/+
A jak se leze klíčová sekvence?
Přejíždím do sektoru Fuck, kde se potkávám s pražskou boulder crew a kde mám v plánu nalézt do projektu, který jsem před dvěma roky ani nekroknul - narovnání boulderu Z ledu roste květina. Tentokrát se kroknutí povede, dám několik pokusů, ale závěrečný nátah do topu mně vystavuje jasnou stopku, síla došla. Ze sedu jasně tvrdší 8Bejdo?
Krása být konečně venku na skalách! Teď o víkendu testování repre a pak ve čtvrtek nezapomeňte na 10boy v Brně!
On Thursday we finally left Antarktica and the days until Sunday were really hectic: a 14 000 km journey, sleeping for 13 hours, enjoying Kačka's company, meeting my family and bouldering outdoors. I decided to visit Bahratal, and ideal winter destination, and after the arrival I go straight to Back Flip 8B/B+. I tried this one before but I couldn't do even a single move then. As a warm up I do the last part (7A+) and then I struggle with the moves in a nice overhanging edge. Slowly I figure out the programme and with each start I'm having more and more fun. After an hour I can start the serious attempting, it's getting warmer and the holds are getting a bit moist but the round holds are slightly better and after an hour of trying I finally get to the last part and make sure to finish.
After that I move to the Fuck sector where I meet the Prague boulder crew and where I plan to do the project - straightening the "Z ledu roste květina" boulder. Two years ago I didn't have a chance but this time I manage to do the moves but after few attempts I'm stopped by the final reach to the top. From the sit start it's a hard 8B?
It's so good to be outdoors in the rocks again! This weekend I'm going to the representation testing and on Thursday don't forget to come to the decathlon taking place in Brno!
On Thursday we finally left Antarktica and the days until Sunday were really hectic: a 14 000 km journey, sleeping for 13 hours, enjoying Kačka's company, meeting my family and bouldering outdoors. I decided to visit Bahratal, and ideal winter destination, and after the arrival I go straight to Back Flip 8B/B+. I tried this one before but I couldn't do even a single move then. As a warm up I do the last part (7A+) and then I struggle with the moves in a nice overhanging edge. Slowly I figure out the programme and with each start I'm having more and more fun. After an hour I can start the serious attempting, it's getting warmer and the holds are getting a bit moist but the round holds are slightly better and after an hour of trying I finally get to the last part and make sure to finish.
After that I move to the Fuck sector where I meet the Prague boulder crew and where I plan to do the project - straightening the "Z ledu roste květina" boulder. Two years ago I didn't have a chance but this time I manage to do the moves but after few attempts I'm stopped by the final reach to the top. From the sit start it's a hard 8B?
It's so good to be outdoors in the rocks again! This weekend I'm going to the representation testing and on Thursday don't forget to come to the decathlon taking place in Brno!
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