neděle 5. února 2017

10 boy Ostrava / Antarktida

Zdravim po dlouhe dobe, nejprve dluzim vysledky z prvniho letosniho campusoveho desetiboje z Ostravy, kde jsme spolecne se Stepanem a Adamem Ondrou plnili funkci motivatoru a do samotneho zavodu se nase vykony nezapocitavaly. Byla to krasna chvilka plna motivovanych lidi, obri sily a krasnych vykonu.V kazde discipline jsem podal nadstandarni vykon a celkove jsem ziskal 11 542 bodu, cimz jsem dosahl na nejvyssi pocet bodu pred Stepanem - 10 501 a Kubou Konecnym 9 973. Citil jsem se velmi dobre a i kdyz jsem si discipliny temer rok nevyzkousel, forma byla Top.


Druhy den po Ostrave jsem si zabalil batuzek a vyrazil na pracovni cestu na Antarktidu na ostrov Seymur, kde v ramci CHMU merime Ozon Brewerovym spektrofotometrem. Bylo zapotrebi pristroj opravit. Z planovane rychloakce se pomalu klube mesicni trip, prace je davno hotova a my stale cekame na letadlo, ktere nas odveze zpet do Argentiny a pak uz fofrem domu. Neni to tu tak jednoduche... Nicmene alespon je tu posilovna, a tak kazdy den - uz 21 dni bez rest daye, hodinu a pul cvicim a snazim se udrzet ve forme. Citim se vyborne, sily je na rozdavani a vaha rekordni.


 Moje office

Nejvetsi mistni kamen zdolan

Misto je to tu jedninecne, ale cas plyne pomalu, lezeni a Kacka chybi... Uz se nemuzu dockat, az se vratim a vybourim na venkovnich projektech a zapnu turbo v priprave na sezonu svetovych poharu. Budou soustredeni, testy reprezentace a treninky na pod vedenim spravne vychlazeneho Kozla na VUT v Brne. 23 unora se bude konat treti campusovy desetiboj v Brne, bude to opet top akce, tak nevahejte a prihlaste se do zavodu nebo se prijdte podivat. Podari se mi obhajit vitezstvi z Ostravy a porazit rozjeteho Adama? 

Omluvte text, ale na Antarktide neznaji hacky a carky.

Hi there! Long time no see... First of all, I owe you the results of the first campus decathlon of this year which took place in Ostrava. I was there together with Stepan and Adam Ondra. We were there just to encourage the others, our performance didn't count in the competition. It was an awesome moment, full of highly motivated people, great strength and amazing performance. I was doing great in all the disciplines and in total I reached 11 542 points, by which I got ahead of Stepan with 10 501 points and Kuba Konecny with 9 973 points. I felt really goo. Even though I haven't tried the disciplines for almost a year, I was in a top shape.

A day after Ostrava I packed my stuff and went for a working trip to the Seymur Island in Antarctica where we measure ozone for the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute with a Brewer's spectrophotometer, as the device needed a repair. We planned to make it a quick stop but it gradually developed into a one-month trip. The job is already done but we are still waiting for the plane that would get us to Argentine. It's not so easy here... Well, at least there is a gym so I can exercise for an hour and a half every day - 21 days without a rest day already. I try to keep in shape and I feel great - stronger than before and also I lost some weight. 

The place itself is unique but the time passes very slowly here and I really miss climbing and Kacka... I can't wait to get back and blow off some steam at my outdoor projects and training for the World Cup season. There will be training sessions, representation tests and also the trainings lead by Kozel at the University of Technology. On 23rd February there will be the third campus decathlon of this year taking place in Brno, and it's gonna be great, so don't hesitate and come take part or watch. Will I defend my first place from Ostrava and defeat Adam?

3 komentáře:

Anonymní řekl(a)...

Hustý, na antarktidu bych se chtěl taky podívat! aladin

Anonymní řekl(a)...

Nechápu, proč jste tam jel. Jste lezec, proč pracujete v ČHMÚ ? Baví Vás to ?

Anonymní řekl(a)...

nekrmte trola!