Během posledních 3 dní proběhl vrchol závodní sezóny pro boulderisty a to Mistrovství světa. Celkem se sjelo téměř 120 chlapů a 80 žen, za ČR já, Štěpán, Jan Chvála, Adam Ondra, Petr Handlíř, Petra Růžičková, Nelly Kudrová, Silva Rajfová a Domča Dupalová. Lezlo se na nových profilech v olympijském parku, parku z roku 1972.
Kvalifikace mužů proběhla ve čtvrtek a mě se zadařilo až nečekaně dobře, silový bouldery jsem odšktával jeden za druhým a vyneslo mě to na 3. místo ve skupině, do semifinále jsem tedy postupoval z 6. pozice. Dále postoupil Adam Ondra ze 14. místa, zbytek týmu bohužel neprošel sítem kvalifikace (výsledky na www.ifsc-climbing.com).
Semi 4
V sobotu bylo na programu semifinále a finále. Bouldery nebyly úplně můj šálek kávy a tak jsem si dolezl pro celkové 15. místo. V prvním kolmém boulderu jsem nevěděl, která bije a ani se nepohnul. Převislou skokovou dvojku se mi na třetí pokus podařilo správně doskočit. Trojka taky silovina, ale na správný program (nohama napřed) přicházím pozdě a již nezbývají síly na přelez. Čtverka opět kolmáč, tentokrát šahám po topu, ale kousek chybí.
Semifinále by Lithuanian Climbing Team.
Večer si vychutnáme finále show v čele s Adamem, který ukazuje extratřídu a stává se mistrem světa, gratulace a díky za hezký zážitek! A taky díky za podporu především mojí Kačce, sponzorům a všem těm kteří nám drželi palce a fandili!
Před finálem
Osobně jsem s výsledkem hodně spokojen, síly je dost, ale chce to ještě hodně zapracovat na boulderech, které se na svěťáku lezou...uvidíme, motivace po takovémto závodě je na nejvyšší úrovni!:)
The top event of the season took place in the last 3 days, the World Championship. There were a toal of 120 men and 80 women, the Czech Republic represented by me, Štěpán, Jan Chvála, Adam Ondra, Petr Handlíř, Petra Růžičková, Nelly Kudrová, Silva Rajfová and Dominika Dupalová. We climbed on new profiles in the Olympics park from 1972.
The men's qualification was on Thursday and I did unexpectedly well, I ticked the power boulders one after another, which brought me 3rd place in my group and I went to the semi-final from the 6th place. Adam Ondra also made it through from the 14th place and the rest of the team unfortunately didn't make it through the qualification (results at www.ifsc-climbing.com).
The semi-finals and the final took place on Saturday. The boulders were really not my cup of coffee, so it was an overall 15th place for me. In the perpendicular boulder I had no idea what was going on and didn't make a move. In No. 2, I managed to jump correctly at the third attempts. No. 3 also power stuff but I figured out the correct program (legs first) too late and had no power left. No. 4 again a perpendicular one, I was reaching for the top but a bit was missing.
In the evening we enjoy the final of the show led by Adam, who shows he is extra-class and become the world champion, congratulations and thanks for this great experience. And also thanks for support mainly to my Kačka, sponsors and all those crossing their fingers and cheering!
Personally, I am very happy with the result, I have enough strength but I have to work on the kind of boulders that are in this event. We'll see but motivation is at its heigths after such competition! :)
The men's qualification was on Thursday and I did unexpectedly well, I ticked the power boulders one after another, which brought me 3rd place in my group and I went to the semi-final from the 6th place. Adam Ondra also made it through from the 14th place and the rest of the team unfortunately didn't make it through the qualification (results at www.ifsc-climbing.com).
The semi-finals and the final took place on Saturday. The boulders were really not my cup of coffee, so it was an overall 15th place for me. In the perpendicular boulder I had no idea what was going on and didn't make a move. In No. 2, I managed to jump correctly at the third attempts. No. 3 also power stuff but I figured out the correct program (legs first) too late and had no power left. No. 4 again a perpendicular one, I was reaching for the top but a bit was missing.
In the evening we enjoy the final of the show led by Adam, who shows he is extra-class and become the world champion, congratulations and thanks for this great experience. And also thanks for support mainly to my Kačka, sponsors and all those crossing their fingers and cheering!
Personally, I am very happy with the result, I have enough strength but I have to work on the kind of boulders that are in this event. We'll see but motivation is at its heigths after such competition! :)
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