7C vedle Zerbeuse
Neznáme název (kdyžtak mi ho
hoďte do komentu) klasu na netu nacházím -
(video na štěpánovým blogu) Pak se jde na Zerbeuse, ladíme kroky a některé
musíme vynechat kvůli mokru. Crux, ale zkoušet jde, špičková variata nám nejde,
mě se ale daří krok udělat přes levou patu. Boulder tak nechááváme na sušší
Další zastávkou je oblast Waischenfelder Boulderblock, ten je
naopak krásně suchej. Nejprve dáváme krásné Rampino 7C , typická jura
po dírkách (video na štěpánovým blogu). Pak se namotivuju na flešovej pokus do
Lanlords 8A+, úvodní kroky překonám, zmáčknu se i v jednoprdě, a
v posledním kroku mě vysoká levá pata nepouští. Nakonec to ani nekroknu. Štěpán
ještě ladí 8A vedle, ale není nám úplně jasné kudy to vede. Opouštíme tak Waischenfelder Boulderblock, a když už jsme takhle na severu tak jedeme dál na Antagonistu 8A. Boulder, jako
v případě Zerbeuse, opět hned u silnice. Ladíme program, já přes stisk,
Štěpán přes výměnu. Totálně mokré nohy a některé lehce vlhké chyty nás nezastavujou
a boulder dáváme.
Štěpán v Antagonist 8A
Antagonist 8A
Navečer ještě projíždíme do údolí
Pottensteinu a hledáme Flubbera, o kterým víme jen to, že je kus nad silnicí.
Zkoušíme první cestu a hned na první pokus nacházíme.
Druhý den s velkou dávkou
natěšenosti valíme k Flubberovi 8A.
Rozlézám se vedle, Štěpán běhá po kopci. Dnes je dost zima, hlavně hodně fouká.
Zkouším Flubbera na Flash, ale utvrzuje mě v tom, že místní bouldery
nejsou zadarmo. Pak asi hodinu ladíme program, jsme kratší a tak pár kroků
musíme řešit jinak. Mě se nakonec boulder podaří udolat a Štěpán padá
v nátahu na hraně. Vytrvalost je tu v Juře potřeba.
Flubber 8A
Dalším klenotem a naší zastávkou
je boulder Terminator 8A. Po hodince se nám jej nepodaří ani kroknout, nohy
v tom stropě ne a ne držet a tak to balíme a jdeme se projít hezkým
údolím. V místě, kde bychom to nejmíň čekali nacházíme borce pod boulderem
Evergreen terace.
Terminator 8A
Rest day trávíme procházením
v okolí Pottensteinu a hledáním nových kamenů. Odpoledne se po cestě domů
z Londýna za námi staví Ondra Nevělík a posedíme v kavárně.
V pondělí ráno se probouzíme
do mírného sněžení a poměrně silného větru. Pociťová teplota klesla hluboko pod
nulu, dlouho neváháme a valíme na Radeč. Po cestě zastávka V Macdonalds a
okolo 2 hodiny jsme už pod skálou. Přicházíme ke kamenu a je nádherně suchej,
ani v lese nefouká a tak si libujeme jaká bude podmínka. A taky, že byla.
Rozlézámese v lehčích boulderech, Štěpán brzy posílá Sršně 7C a za pár minut dáváme jednu
z dalších variant Většího Kopance
7C+, který startuje z díry ve stropě a dolézá se Kopancem 7C . Štěpán pak jde do svého
nedokončeného projektu Kick Box 8A+ (video opět u něho na blogu). Zkusí kroky a
prvním ostrým posílá. Motivace sílí.
Teď jdu já na svůj projekt a to Capoeiru za 8A/A+. Pomalu se
prokousávám kroky a samotné krokování mi zabere asi hodinku. Beru nové lezečky
a hned paty drží o něco lépe a tak pokusuju. PO několika pokusech dolézám do
Topu, zkouším ještě lézt dál do kopance, což by mohlo být dohromady 8B, ale
bandasky z Capoiery nedokážu sklepat a jdu k zemi. Říkám si, že Capoiera
těžký, aspoň 8A+. Posléze zjišŤuju,
že jsem oproti prvopřelezci startoval o dva kroky níže, nicméně pod šipkou.
Capoeira 8A+
Capoeira 8A+
Pak Štěpán ladí Sokolovnu za 8A, já už mám
většinu variant přelezených a mým hlavním zájmem je dále strop pár metrů nad
hlavním převisem. Posbírám pár klád, Štěpán mezitím pošle Sokolovnu a tak mi
pomáhá s tvorbou dopadu. Ještě než se setmí dám pár nálezů a mám
z projektu radost jak malej kluk. Krásný silový kroky, špička, nohama
napřed, bomba. Třetím ostrým ještě stíhám boulder přelézt a vniká tak
megolamanský Beowulf s klasou 7C+. Jdeme k autu, pod lesem hodně
fouká, okna u auta namrzají během pár minut, je velká kosa.
Noc přežijeme bez úhony a ráno
jdeme opět nemotivováni k převisu. Štěpán s cílem Beowulf a já
s cílem prodloužení Capoeiry. Rozlezeme se, dáváme nějaká 7A-B, a Štěpán jde ladim Beowulfa. Ze
začátku se mu spodáček vysmývá a ujišťuje ho, že musí hodně zabrat. Odpočne ve
spacáku a pak posílá, společně nechápeme, že Rešík ladil varianty a tento směr
mu unikl, prostě nádhera. Já se pak ještě dorozlízám, přelezu si další
z variant Šoumena 7C+. Začínají
se mi ozývat lokty a povídají ať už se na to vyseru, že už lézt nechtějí.
Koukám ještě po novém boulderu nalevo v hlavní stěnce, v podstatě
boulder 6B+ bez patestu dole. Pěknej silovej krok za patu pouští za pár minut,
další novinkou je tak Dažbog za 7B+. Štěpán si to po mě zopakuje a na
závěr si také dává Šoumena.
Štěpán v Dažbog 7B+
Štěpán se chce stavit ještě na Mrtnické skále a tak balíme věci a přejíždíme. S Povzdechem Variant 7C posílá jako nic. Pak ladí SD
za 8A+, první krok je proti, zbytek už dává celkem v pohodě. Já už tady
nemám co lézt a tak si oběhnu kopec a koukám po nových kamenech, Brtnická se
zdá býti vyčerpaná. Štěpán ještě chvíli ladí první krok 8A+ka, pomalu začíná
zamrzat a tak je čas jet domů.
Příště prosíme trošku více
Weather forecast for "Switzerland" was bad so we decided to go to rather closer places which were largely unknown to us: Frankenjura area. Štěpán and me departed on Thursday evening. At 2 a.m., we found ourselves under Zerbeus. Although a night session was compelling, we went to bed. After a lazy morning and a breakfast, we went for Zerbeus 8B. We were warming up at the easier things and then proceeded to Zerbeus' right line. Name and class unknown but it looked very well -- rather power-based climbing. I fell twice from the top, Štěpán began to be a little bored, but at third time, I finished that.
I found the class on the net - 7C. If you know the name, please tell us in the comments. The next thing was Zerbeus -- some steps had to be left out due to the moist surface. Crux was playable, though. The top variant was not possible but I managed to make up a different move with the left heel. The boulder was left for another day, then.
The next stop was the Waischenfelder Boulderblock area, which was by contrast dry. The first thing was Rampino 7C (see the video on Štěpán's blog). Then I motivated myself to try a flast at Lanlords 8A+ where I cound't pass over the last move. Štěpán was tuning a nearby 8A but we couldn't figure out the way. Leaving Waischenfelder Boulderblock, we used the opportunity of being in the north and went further for Antagonista 8A. It was right along the way, just like the previous one. Totally wet feet and some wet holds couldn't stop us from sending the boulder.
The next day, we went for Flubber we found quite near to the road the previous evening. It was quite cold and the wind was very strong. I tried another flash but Flubber corroborated the notion that local boulders won't give you anything for free. Then we spent like an hour tuning up the programme. We are quite short so we had to do a few steps in a different way as designed. I finally managed to conquer the boulder while Štěpán fell from the edge. Persistence is much needed here in Jura.
Another gem along the way was a boulder called Terminator 8A. We couldn't do the moves despite spending here an hour so we gave up and went hiking through that pretty valley instead. In the place where we would have least expected that, we found a guy under the a boulder called Evergreen terrace.
We spent our rest day walking around Pottenstein and looking for other rocks. In the afternoon, we were in a café with Ondra Nevělík who just came back from London.
On Monday morning we woke up to gentle snowfall and relatively strong wind. Subjective temperature fell well below zero so we were not hesitating for long and went to Radeč. The rock was dry a there was no wind blowing in the woods so we were excited about the conditions. Warming up on the lighter boulders, Štěpán soon sent Sršeň 7C, a few minutes later, we did a variant of Větší Kopanec 7C+. Štěpán then tried a big, unfinished project Kick Box 8A+ (again, see his blog). Sent during the first real attempt. Motivation increased.
Now I went to my project -- Capoeira for 8A/A+. I was slowly eating my way through the moves for about an hour. New climbing shoes helped. After several attempts I finished. Capoiera was hard, I guess at least 8A+. At the end, I found out I started about two moves lower than the first climber.
Later, Štěpán was tuning up Sokolovna 8A. I, having most variants finished, was concerning myself with a roof located a few meters above the main overhang. I gathered up a few logs and created the landing place. Štěpán, who meanwhile finished Sokolovna, was helping. Before it went dark, I managed to do a few ascends, happy as a small child. At the third attempt, I got myself to the top and a new megalomaniac boulder was born: Beowulf (7C+).
We survived the cold night unscathed. Motivated, we got back again in the morning. Štěpán's goal was Beowulf, mine was a longer variant of Capoiera. Adamant at the beginning, the boulder was not conquered before the afternoon. I did another variant of Šoumen 7C+. My elbows began to hurt, persuading me to give it up. I still want to do another boulder, though -- a left one, 6B+.
Štěpán also wanted to visit Mrtnická skála so we packed our stuff and went. He sent a few boulder with ease. I didn't have anything left to climb, Brtnická skála coudln't offer anything new. Time to go home.
Next time a little more sunshine, please!
Frankenjura and an escape to Radeč
Weather forecast for "Switzerland" was bad so we decided to go to rather closer places which were largely unknown to us: Frankenjura area. Štěpán and me departed on Thursday evening. At 2 a.m., we found ourselves under Zerbeus. Although a night session was compelling, we went to bed. After a lazy morning and a breakfast, we went for Zerbeus 8B. We were warming up at the easier things and then proceeded to Zerbeus' right line. Name and class unknown but it looked very well -- rather power-based climbing. I fell twice from the top, Štěpán began to be a little bored, but at third time, I finished that.
I found the class on the net - 7C. If you know the name, please tell us in the comments. The next thing was Zerbeus -- some steps had to be left out due to the moist surface. Crux was playable, though. The top variant was not possible but I managed to make up a different move with the left heel. The boulder was left for another day, then.
The next stop was the Waischenfelder Boulderblock area, which was by contrast dry. The first thing was Rampino 7C (see the video on Štěpán's blog). Then I motivated myself to try a flast at Lanlords 8A+ where I cound't pass over the last move. Štěpán was tuning a nearby 8A but we couldn't figure out the way. Leaving Waischenfelder Boulderblock, we used the opportunity of being in the north and went further for Antagonista 8A. It was right along the way, just like the previous one. Totally wet feet and some wet holds couldn't stop us from sending the boulder.
The next day, we went for Flubber we found quite near to the road the previous evening. It was quite cold and the wind was very strong. I tried another flash but Flubber corroborated the notion that local boulders won't give you anything for free. Then we spent like an hour tuning up the programme. We are quite short so we had to do a few steps in a different way as designed. I finally managed to conquer the boulder while Štěpán fell from the edge. Persistence is much needed here in Jura.
Another gem along the way was a boulder called Terminator 8A. We couldn't do the moves despite spending here an hour so we gave up and went hiking through that pretty valley instead. In the place where we would have least expected that, we found a guy under the a boulder called Evergreen terrace.
We spent our rest day walking around Pottenstein and looking for other rocks. In the afternoon, we were in a café with Ondra Nevělík who just came back from London.
On Monday morning we woke up to gentle snowfall and relatively strong wind. Subjective temperature fell well below zero so we were not hesitating for long and went to Radeč. The rock was dry a there was no wind blowing in the woods so we were excited about the conditions. Warming up on the lighter boulders, Štěpán soon sent Sršeň 7C, a few minutes later, we did a variant of Větší Kopanec 7C+. Štěpán then tried a big, unfinished project Kick Box 8A+ (again, see his blog). Sent during the first real attempt. Motivation increased.
Now I went to my project -- Capoeira for 8A/A+. I was slowly eating my way through the moves for about an hour. New climbing shoes helped. After several attempts I finished. Capoiera was hard, I guess at least 8A+. At the end, I found out I started about two moves lower than the first climber.
Later, Štěpán was tuning up Sokolovna 8A. I, having most variants finished, was concerning myself with a roof located a few meters above the main overhang. I gathered up a few logs and created the landing place. Štěpán, who meanwhile finished Sokolovna, was helping. Before it went dark, I managed to do a few ascends, happy as a small child. At the third attempt, I got myself to the top and a new megalomaniac boulder was born: Beowulf (7C+).
We survived the cold night unscathed. Motivated, we got back again in the morning. Štěpán's goal was Beowulf, mine was a longer variant of Capoiera. Adamant at the beginning, the boulder was not conquered before the afternoon. I did another variant of Šoumen 7C+. My elbows began to hurt, persuading me to give it up. I still want to do another boulder, though -- a left one, 6B+.
Štěpán also wanted to visit Mrtnická skála so we packed our stuff and went. He sent a few boulder with ease. I didn't have anything left to climb, Brtnická skála coudln't offer anything new. Time to go home.
Next time a little more sunshine, please!
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