Vykopávacím závodem letošního roku byl 1. Český pohár v boulderingu v pražské Jungli. Kvalifikací proběhnu celkem bez problémů, vylezu všech 6 boulderů a nejvíce mi nejde koordinační skok v kolmici. Celkem mám 6 boulderů na 20 pokusů.
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Kvalda by Chodura |
Průběh finále dává tušit, že bouldery jsou poměrně lehké, a hlavně Jáchym Cink mě dostává pod tlak, protože dává vše. Jednička je campus, tu dávám na OS. Dvojka double-dyno a lehce do Topu, zkoordinuji druhým pokusem.
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Finále by Chodura |
Trojka je vlastně jen o stisku pod topem, mám OS. Až čtyřka mě potrápí a trošku pod tíhou tlaku skáču úvodní koordinační skok až na šestý pokus. Do topu se jde po malých jebkách, to už si pohlídám. Celkem naberu o dva pokusy více než Jáchym, a tudíž získávám druhé místo. Bouldery fajn, různorodé a moderní, jen mohli kluci trošku přitvrdit – druhý ČP vynechám.
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Stupně vítězů by Chodura |
Záznam z finále
The first competition of this year was the 1st Czech Cup in bouldering, which took place in the Jungle gym in Prague. I go through the qualification without any problems and finish all 6 boulders. The worst is a coordination jump in a vertical, in total I score 6 boulders in 20 attempts.
The boulders in the final are quite easy and the others competitors, Jáchym Cink in particular, put me under a lot of pressure. The first boulder is a campus and I climb it OS. The second one is a double-dyno, here I need two attempts.
The only tricky part of the third boulder is the grip under top, but I score OS again. The fourth boulder is finally a bit more difficult, I need 6 attempts to overcome the cooordination jump at the first part of the boulder. In total I need two more attempts than Jáchym, so I earn the second place. The bouders were nice, various and modern I just think they could be a bit harder. I'll skip the second round of the Czech Cup.
The boulders in the final are quite easy and the others competitors, Jáchym Cink in particular, put me under a lot of pressure. The first boulder is a campus and I climb it OS. The second one is a double-dyno, here I need two attempts.
The only tricky part of the third boulder is the grip under top, but I score OS again. The fourth boulder is finally a bit more difficult, I need 6 attempts to overcome the cooordination jump at the first part of the boulder. In total I need two more attempts than Jáchym, so I earn the second place. The bouders were nice, various and modern I just think they could be a bit harder. I'll skip the second round of the Czech Cup.
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