Závodní sezónu otevřel první pohárový závod v Praze na Jungle parku. I přes aktuální situaci a nutnost PCR testu se sjede hodně lidu – celkem 100 závodníků. Na závod jedu hlavně jako motivátor booster, bouldery teď netrénuji a v moderně postavených cestách je to znát. Kvaldou projdu poměrně dobře a dávám 5 boulderů na max dva pokusy, průtlak v kolmici takticky nezkouším, šetřím sílu do finále a postupuji ze třetího místa za bratry Potůčky.
The competition season started with the first Czech Cup competition at Jungle park in Prague. Despite the current situation and obligatory PCR testing many people arrived - in total there were 100 competitors. My main function was to do a motivation booster, I don't do much of the bouldering training right now as you can see whenever I climb modern routes. I'm doing quite well in the qualification, though, and I climb 5 boulders, none of them with more than 2 attempts. As a part of my strategy I skip the vertical mantel, for I want to spare power for the finals. So I pass from the 3rd place, after the Potůček brothers.
It's quite hard to focus during the final, it starts after 9 p.m. Thanks to my little twins this is usually the time when I'm sound asleep, and without the audience it feels more like a training session. The vertical is nice and pretty damn hard, only Štěpa Potok reaches the zone. The second boulder is a jump with round structures and sharp holds, I need three attempts to get to the top. Number three is a mantel and the easiest boulder of the competition, I score an OS. The last one is pretty tricky and I fall from under the top. My overall score: 2T and 3Z doesn't look very promising, but thanks to big luck and Šimon Potůček's mistake I score the 1st place.
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