Holokaust 8A
A jdu na hlavní cíl: kombo přelézt z Babočky Admirál - přes Holokaust do Pumy, přidání 12 kroků za cca 8A, odpočinek a vzhůru tříkrokovou Pumou za 8B. Bohužel jsou chyty v Pumě zavlhlé, ale lézt se dá. Nejprve si zopakuji Pumu, pak nalítám úvod a dám ostré pokusy. Při prvních dvou pokusech padám v posledním kroku - kroku do hrany, pak už jsou pokusy i přes pár ulehčení horší, ale snad je naladěno na příště. Klasa se zatím jeví jako těžší 8B+. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZnhBT2HswQ&fbclid=IwAR1zhjASi-XGZInls5dPgN726Uyr3R4uEVvPoxOjGOR4bPY2Zu0_ILciXX0 )
Project 8B+/C?
The weather at weekend is a bit unpredictable so I decide to go to Židárna – the ovehang near Lužnice. First I climb a new Holokaust 8A boulder in three attempts.
Then I go for my today's main challenge: starting at Babočka Admirál - then climbing through Holokaust to Puma, adding 12 moves (all of these have the grade of 8A in total), and then there's a bit of rest followed by the three-move Puma 8B boulder. Unfortunately the holds of Puma are moist, but climbing is still possible, so first I repeat Puma and then I practice the first part of the climb and start trying to climb the whole boulder. At the first two attempts I fall from the final move and then it gets worse but I hope I'm well prepared for the next time. The grade seems to be a harder 8B+.
Then I go for my today's main challenge: starting at Babočka Admirál - then climbing through Holokaust to Puma, adding 12 moves (all of these have the grade of 8A in total), and then there's a bit of rest followed by the three-move Puma 8B boulder. Unfortunately the holds of Puma are moist, but climbing is still possible, so first I repeat Puma and then I practice the first part of the climb and start trying to climb the whole boulder. At the first two attempts I fall from the final move and then it gets worse but I hope I'm well prepared for the next time. The grade seems to be a harder 8B+.
( https://www.youtube.com/...HswQ&fbclid=IwAR1zhjASi-XGZInls5dPgN726Uyr3R4uEVvPoxOjGOR4bPY2Zu0_ILciXX0 )
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