V pátek nastal konečně čas prvního letošního desetiboje v Ostravě, večer plný síly a motivace. Těším se hodně, nejprve Adam zaujme svým poutavým povídáním o Silence 9c a pak jdeme bušit za komentování Rosti Zico Tomance, jedné z ikon lezeckého tréninku našeho mládí.
Desetiboj Ostrava by Pepe
Úplně nevím, co od sebe čekat, jelikož nacampusováno tolik nemám, ale v průběhu závodu se cítím velmi dobře a téměř v každé disciplíně si posunu osobní rekord až na celkových 11 484 bodů. Na druhém místě končí Štěpán s 9 392 body a třetí je Adam s 8 209 body.
Desetiboj Ostrava by Pepe
Díky všem, kteří dorazili, další desetiboj bude 18.1. v Brně a bude to velký, bude to stát za to, tak doražte! Padne rekord v nějaké disciplíně? Jak silní jsou Brňáci?
Desetiboj Ostrava by Pepe
On Friday the time has finally come for this year's decathlon in
Ostrava, the evening full of power and motivation. I'm looking forward
to it very much.
First of all, Adam seizes our attention with his thrilling report from climbing Silence 9c. And after that we go for it. The commentary is given by Rosťa Zico Tomanec, one of the climbing icons of our youth.
I don't really know what to expect from myself as I'm not that far with the campus training, but during the competition I feel very well and I break my personal records in almost every discipline. In the end I have 11 484 points. Štěpán is second with 9 392 points and Adam third with 8 209 points.
Thanks to everyone who came, the next decathlon will take place on 18th January in Brno and it's gonna be huuuge, so come! Will there be a new record in any discipline? How strong the people from Brno are?
First of all, Adam seizes our attention with his thrilling report from climbing Silence 9c. And after that we go for it. The commentary is given by Rosťa Zico Tomanec, one of the climbing icons of our youth.
I don't really know what to expect from myself as I'm not that far with the campus training, but during the competition I feel very well and I break my personal records in almost every discipline. In the end I have 11 484 points. Štěpán is second with 9 392 points and Adam third with 8 209 points.
Thanks to everyone who came, the next decathlon will take place on 18th January in Brno and it's gonna be huuuge, so come! Will there be a new record in any discipline? How strong the people from Brno are?
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