Ve čtvrtek jsme vyrazili na třetí svěťák do Innsbrucku. Celej čtvrtek stojí za starou belu, nestíhám dodělat zkoušku a i tak vyrážíme o hodinu později, po cestě musíme vyměnit kolo u auta, sotva tedy stíháme registraci. Závody byly moc pěkné, krásně udělaný areál, bouldry perfektní. Boulder č. 1 nebyl pod střechou a tak se stalo, že asi 5 minut poté co sem se na něm odvařil se z důvodu deště přestal lézt a mě, protože sem ho nedal, to nakonec asi o 2 příčky pomohlo. Dvojka byl položenej boulder, sotva ustojím strukturu a vůbec nechápu jak to lézt. "Zajímavý", že Ind, kterej obsazuje poslední příčky toto dal. Další bouldery jsou už v převisu, po chytech a tak všechny dávám. Můj výsledek je tedy 3t na7p, což stačilo na 35-36.místo. Na postup do semifinále bylo zapotřebí 3t4p. Zbytek auta nezalezl lépe a tak večer jedeme domů.
Boulder č.1
Boulder č.2
Boulder č.3
Boulder č.4
Boulder č.5
Asi ve 3hodiny ráno si vzpomínáme, že vlastně v sobotu je ČP na obtížnost ve Zlíně. Ze vtípku se vyklube nápad, že v 9 ráno vyrazíme. Na místo dojíždíme o něco později, hala i stěna krásná, nový makaky, ale málo účastníků. V kvalifikacích okolo 7c dávám jako jediný oba Topy. Finále se mi i přes únavu ze svěťáku leze taky dobře a padám tři chyty pod topem, což stačí v pohodě na 1. místo. Závody byly opravdu povedený, super komentátoři, atmosféra, cesty, soutěže pro diváky, takovej malej mejcup s lanem. Škoda, že nedojelo více závodníků, ale snad se to na MCŘ napraví, jednou vynechejte skály a dojeďtě, stojí to za to!:)
Kvali 1
Kvali 2
Stupně vítězů
Díky kačence za fotky a sobotní masáže :)
At about three o'clock in the morning, we realised that Czech Cup race in Zlín city was on that day. Jokingly at first, we decided to go the next morning. We arrived with a small delay. The hall as well the wall were great but participants were scarce. In the qualifications, I was the only one to do two tops (about 7C). Although I was tired from the previous day, I did quite well in the finals. I fell just from under the top but it was still enough for the 1st place. I really liked the race. The commenters, atmosphere, routes, competitions for the viewers -- all like a small version of Mejcup. It is a shame that there were not more men. Hopefully this gets better at the national championship. Guys, give up the rocks for once and come, it will be worth it!
PS: Thanks to Kačenka for the pictures and the massage.
World Cup Innsbruck and Czech Cup Zlín
We took part in the third round of the WC, this time in Innsbruck. The whole Thursday completely sucked. I had a hard time finishing an exam and we were about an hour late. We also had to change a tyre ont he way so we barely managed to be there in time for the registration. The race was good: A well made areas and perfect boudlers. The boulder No.1 was not roofed. It actually helped me because it started to rain about five minutes after I finished and the boulder was closed. I guess it earned me good two positions in the qualifications. No.2 was a lying boulder. I could hardly understand how to do it. Quite interesting is that an Indian guy who regularly ends up among the last places could send it. The other boulders were hold-and-overhang-based so I could do all of them. My result was therefore 3t on 7p, i.e. 35th-36th place. You needed 3t4p to advance to the semifinals. The rest of the crew was no better so we went back home in the evening.At about three o'clock in the morning, we realised that Czech Cup race in Zlín city was on that day. Jokingly at first, we decided to go the next morning. We arrived with a small delay. The hall as well the wall were great but participants were scarce. In the qualifications, I was the only one to do two tops (about 7C). Although I was tired from the previous day, I did quite well in the finals. I fell just from under the top but it was still enough for the 1st place. I really liked the race. The commenters, atmosphere, routes, competitions for the viewers -- all like a small version of Mejcup. It is a shame that there were not more men. Hopefully this gets better at the national championship. Guys, give up the rocks for once and come, it will be worth it!
PS: Thanks to Kačenka for the pictures and the massage.
2 komentáře:
skoda toho semifinale:( snad priste!
Dík, no je třeba ještě potrénovat:) švětová špička je ještě hodně přede mnou..