2. srpna již po třetí opouštíme zemi a vydáváme se na oblohu. Letadlo se v Johannesburgu celkem vylidnilo, tak zabírám místo u okýnka a užívám si výhled na vyprahlou zemi, meandrující řeku Orange a velké množství stolových hor. Po příletu hned razíme směr Rocklands a po pár hodinách cesty vidím kopce s kamenama, kde by za "českých podmínek", byli ty největší oblasti. Kluci mě však ujišťujou, že nám do cíle zbývá ještě 60 km. Teprve až po dosažení De Pakhuys Passu se dozvídám proč.
Útočištěm pro následujících 32 dní se stal kemp De Pakhuys, nabízející bar s přiléhajícím ohništěm, kde se občas objevili hvězdy boulderingu jako Dave Graham, Paul Robinson či Nalle Hukkatavail, kuchyňku, toalety a internet, který jsme využívali především k "tokání".
Co se týká samotného lezení, tak já osobně jsem byl z místního pískovce naprosto "hotovej". Rocklands dokázalo překonat moje představy hned několikanásobně. Hned desítky boulderů, různých obtížností, by byli u nás těmi Top bouldery, takovými bouldery, když se řekne jméno, tak všichni si boulder hned vybaví. Lezení bylo velmi atletické, často po docela dobrých chytech, velkých lištách, ale dlouhé kroky, dynama a to všechno ve velkým převisu. Přesně to, do čeho jsme se tu zamilovali. Během celého pobytu v Rocklands se mi podařilo přelézt 25 bouldrů 8A a výš. Mými největšími klenoty byla Madiba 8B, The Vice 8B a The Quintessential 8B. Dále se mi podařilo přelézt Armed Response 8A+, Leopard Cave 8A+, In Between Dreams 8A+, Black Shadow 8A+, Shosholozu 8A+ (dle mě - 8A/A+), Nutsa 8A+ (8A), Green MAmba 8A+ (8A), Royksopp 8A (8A/A+), Purple Niple Clan 8A, In The Middle Of The Ass 8A, Black Velvet 8A, Tai-Chi 8A, Out Of Balance 8A, Pendragon 8A, Shallow Cave 8A, Golden Virginia 8A, Leap Of Faith 8A, Gliding Through The Waves Like 8A, No Late Benders 8A, The Arc 8A OS, Barracuda 8A Flash, Witness The Sickness 8A, Solar Power 7C+/8A Flash, a dále několik sedmiček(viz lezec.cz). Co jsem rozprojektoval a nevylezl tak Tea With Elmarine 8A+, Power Of One 8B (asi 10x pád s "horí" patou) a Sky 8B+ (temno), Hatchling 8A (temno v lištodírce).Kluci taky nelenili, Adam si posunul svůj max na 8A, Michal na 7C, Kuba přelezl svůj projekt Minky 7B a nabýt tak silnej (páč svojí silou ulomil chyt) možná si si odvezl i své první 7C, Chválič poslal kotel 8áček a k nim přidal i 8A+, Monča dlouho bojovala s tím, že je malá, ale našli se bouldry, kde na velikosti nezáleží, třeba jako v Caroline 7C+.
Shosholoza 8A+
Rhino 7B+
The Quintessentional 8B
Sky 8B+
Fill The Flow 7C
Black Velvet 8A
The Vice 8B
Witness the Sickness 8A
Leap Of Faith 8A
O Rest dejích jsme nelenili a navštívili Flower Route a nedaleký vodopád, městečko Lambert´s Bay, termální koupaliště Hot Springs, Cape Point, Boulder Beach (tučňáci), Hermanus (velryby), vylezli jsme na kopec naproti "Pass" parkovišti, či Elisabethofentovskou základku, kluci dokonce vyrazili až na druhý konec JAru do Krugerova národního parku.
Kytičky a dobytek
Lambert´s Bay - Bird Island
BOulder Beach
Cape Point
Elisabethsfontain Primer
Na závěr bych chtěl jen poděkovat celé partě, díky nimž byl výjezd parádní!! A taky především Singing rocku za jejich finanční podporu! Během týdne snad dám do kupy video, takže stay tuned!:)
Just two years ago we were watching the video about the guys from Ostrava enjoying boulders in South Arica. After that, there were movies like Orange Crush, Like it love it, Tomorow I will be gone... and it was perfectly clear that it is one of the best bouldering areas in the world. And last autumn, Adam Fiala suddenly came up with an idea "Let's go there, anyone for that?" I smashed my piggy bank and in January, I have just enough money for a return ticket Prague - Cape Town. In the end, there were six of us -- those who have already been there (Adam Fiala, Michal Homola, Kuba Štambachr), and those who saw South Africa as something completely new (Me, Honza Chvála, and Monika Kuhn-Gáber).
On 2nd August, we took off for the third time. The plane got quite empty in Johannesburg so I took over the window seat to enjoy the view of the parched ground, meandring River Orange, and quite a lot of table mountains. Upon arrival we immediately started out to Rocklands. After a few hours, I saw rocky hills which would have been considered as top locations in the Czech perspective. The boys, however, assured me that we were still about 60 km before our destination. It was not until we arrived at when I learned what they had meant.
The De Pakhuys Camp was to become our refuge for the next 32 days. On offer were a bar with adjacent fireplace (where we occassinaly met the stars of bouldering such as Dave Graham, Paul Robinson, and Nalle Hukkatavail), a kitchen, toilets, and internet access we mostly used for talking with our significant others.
The weather was essentially great; it was raining every third day which turned out well with the rest-day schedule. Otherwise, it was about 15-20 °C but much harsher overnight.
As for the actual climbing, I was totally stunned by the local sandstone. My expectations have been substantially surpassed. There were literally dozens of boulders of various classes of difficulty. In the Czech lands, they could have been considered as the top everyone would remember. Climbing itself was really "athletic", often with quite good holds and great edges, although with long and dynamic moves in an overhang. Exactly what we fell in love with there. I managed to climb 25 8A and higher boulders during the whole stay in Rocklands. My best achievements were Madiba 8B and The Vice 8B The Quintessential 8B. Next things I managed to climb were Armed Response 8A+, Leopard Cave 8A+, In Between Dreams 8A+, Black Shadow 8A+, Shosholozu 8A+ (8A/A+ I guess), Nutsa 8A+ (8A), Green Mamba 8A+ (8A), Royksopp 8A (8A/A+), Purple Niple Clan 8A, In The Middle Of The Ass 8A, Black Velvet 8A, Tai-Chi 8A, Out Of Balance 8A, Pendragon 8A, Shallow Cave 8A, Golden Virginia 8A, Leap Of Faith 8A, Gliding Through The Waves Like 8A, No Late Benders 8A, The Arc 8A OS, Barracuda 8A Flash, Witness The Sickness 8A, Solar Power 7C+/8A Flash, and also a few 7s (see lezec.cz). What I have projected but not climbed were Tea With Elmarine 8A+, Power Of One 8B (with about 10 falls), and Sky 8B+, Hatchling 8A.The quys were quite busy too: Adam achieved his new personal record (8A), likewise Michal (7C), and Kuba climbed his project Minky 7B. Had he not been so strong (because he broke the catch), he might have done his first 7C. Chválič sent 8 As and another 8A+. Monča was struggling with her small height but fortunately she found some boulders where the size did not matter, such as Caroline 7C+.
We made use of the rest days as well and we visited the Flower Route and a waterfall, the town Lambert's Bay, thermal swimming pool Hot Springs, Cape Point, Boulder Beach (with penguins), Hermanus (whales), and so on. The guys even made a trip to another corner of the country to visit Kruger National Park.
In conclusion, I just wanted to thank the entire bunch for making the trip so great. And especially the Singing rock team for their financial support! I should compile a video within a week so stay tuned :-)
Just two years ago we were watching the video about the guys from Ostrava enjoying boulders in South Arica. After that, there were movies like Orange Crush, Like it love it, Tomorow I will be gone... and it was perfectly clear that it is one of the best bouldering areas in the world. And last autumn, Adam Fiala suddenly came up with an idea "Let's go there, anyone for that?" I smashed my piggy bank and in January, I have just enough money for a return ticket Prague - Cape Town. In the end, there were six of us -- those who have already been there (Adam Fiala, Michal Homola, Kuba Štambachr), and those who saw South Africa as something completely new (Me, Honza Chvála, and Monika Kuhn-Gáber).
On 2nd August, we took off for the third time. The plane got quite empty in Johannesburg so I took over the window seat to enjoy the view of the parched ground, meandring River Orange, and quite a lot of table mountains. Upon arrival we immediately started out to Rocklands. After a few hours, I saw rocky hills which would have been considered as top locations in the Czech perspective. The boys, however, assured me that we were still about 60 km before our destination. It was not until we arrived at when I learned what they had meant.
The De Pakhuys Camp was to become our refuge for the next 32 days. On offer were a bar with adjacent fireplace (where we occassinaly met the stars of bouldering such as Dave Graham, Paul Robinson, and Nalle Hukkatavail), a kitchen, toilets, and internet access we mostly used for talking with our significant others.
The weather was essentially great; it was raining every third day which turned out well with the rest-day schedule. Otherwise, it was about 15-20 °C but much harsher overnight.
As for the actual climbing, I was totally stunned by the local sandstone. My expectations have been substantially surpassed. There were literally dozens of boulders of various classes of difficulty. In the Czech lands, they could have been considered as the top everyone would remember. Climbing itself was really "athletic", often with quite good holds and great edges, although with long and dynamic moves in an overhang. Exactly what we fell in love with there. I managed to climb 25 8A and higher boulders during the whole stay in Rocklands. My best achievements were Madiba 8B and The Vice 8B The Quintessential 8B. Next things I managed to climb were Armed Response 8A+, Leopard Cave 8A+, In Between Dreams 8A+, Black Shadow 8A+, Shosholozu 8A+ (8A/A+ I guess), Nutsa 8A+ (8A), Green Mamba 8A+ (8A), Royksopp 8A (8A/A+), Purple Niple Clan 8A, In The Middle Of The Ass 8A, Black Velvet 8A, Tai-Chi 8A, Out Of Balance 8A, Pendragon 8A, Shallow Cave 8A, Golden Virginia 8A, Leap Of Faith 8A, Gliding Through The Waves Like 8A, No Late Benders 8A, The Arc 8A OS, Barracuda 8A Flash, Witness The Sickness 8A, Solar Power 7C+/8A Flash, and also a few 7s (see lezec.cz). What I have projected but not climbed were Tea With Elmarine 8A+, Power Of One 8B (with about 10 falls), and Sky 8B+, Hatchling 8A.The quys were quite busy too: Adam achieved his new personal record (8A), likewise Michal (7C), and Kuba climbed his project Minky 7B. Had he not been so strong (because he broke the catch), he might have done his first 7C. Chválič sent 8 As and another 8A+. Monča was struggling with her small height but fortunately she found some boulders where the size did not matter, such as Caroline 7C+.
We made use of the rest days as well and we visited the Flower Route and a waterfall, the town Lambert's Bay, thermal swimming pool Hot Springs, Cape Point, Boulder Beach (with penguins), Hermanus (whales), and so on. The guys even made a trip to another corner of the country to visit Kruger National Park.
In conclusion, I just wanted to thank the entire bunch for making the trip so great. And especially the Singing rock team for their financial support! I should compile a video within a week so stay tuned :-)
1 komentář:
Supr článek. Když jsem si to přečetl, tak mě napadlo jen, škoda že už jsme doma:)