Problém č.1 - OS
Problém č.2 - na pátý pokus
Problém č.3, blíízko
Problém č.4
Problem č.5, blíízko
Finále v boulderingu
Noční Eiffelovka
V průběhu závodu jsme navštívili Fontáč, kde se mi povedlo přelézt Gourmandise Raccourci 8A+. Takže forma byla....:)
World Championships Paris 2012
Well, what should I say? There was an amazing race in an amazing city -- with the best atmosphere I have ever seen (except of the finals, that is). I did not perform that well compared to Rocklands -- Godof's vertical zones were something completely different than Rocklands. My performance was good enough for the 51st place. I fell from the top twice but heck, who cares.
We also visited Fontáč during the race where I managed to climb Gourmandise Raccourci 8A+. So yeah, I was on my game :-)
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