Pomalu to balíme, po cestě nazpátek ještě koukám, že se v dálce něco tyčí, tak jdu k tomu, jdu dál, až najdu Ptáka Ohniváka 7A od Honzy Adamce. Žádný zázrak, ale 7A vypadá docela krutě, malé jebky, dobrý stup.
Možná je tu někde něco lepšího, možná ne, kdo ví. Cenu to nemá...
When browsing through Lezec.cz Martin came across a note about Seč by Honza Adamec. So he and Katka visited Slatiňany and also Kočičí hrádek, where they tried a "first ascent" (see the first photo) :).
At Seč they went to the ruins of Oheb and Martin set up to explore the side of the hill facing the reservoir. There was almost nothing, just few blocks, only one of them useful.
So they packed and went back and on their way Martin spotted something so he went to check it and found Pták Ohniváka 7A by Honza Adamce. Nothing breathtaking but still nice. And that was all.
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