Po pár dnech zpět v Labáku, tentokrát se Štěpánem a Hřensko. Nejprve zastávka u Toxika, jdu do nedolezené kombinace Half of Toxic Avenger a Pig Power Problemu, po rozlezu jeden pád z vršku a druhým dávám - Toxický Prase za 8B/B+, krásná vytrvalostní linka.
Toxický Prase 8B/8B+ FA
Dál jdeme na novou jeskyňku, Cavemana. Zkouším Hard Morning of the Caveman 8A a hned ulomím druhý chyt - bez něho to malinko těžkne, ale rychle přelézám. Zakousnu se ještě do projektové verze - bez patestu. Dva super silové kroky se špatnýma nohama, zkouším, nalítávám spárku ve stropě, jednou to vyjde a už to dolezu - Super Hard Morning of the Caveman okolo 8B.
Super Hard Morning of The Caveman 8B FA
Očistím projekt u vstupu v levé části jeskyně, za jednoprstovku (kam se někomu vejdou i dva prsty) se mi moc zabírat nechce, přece jen už je ME v Moskvě za dveřmi, kroky parádní a obtíže vysoké.
Projekt 8B?
Chvilku pokoukám na Štěpána, doráží Michal Barchánek a já jdu dál na novinku Heel Hooker za 8B. Flash je zero a vlastně jsem rád, že to nakonec kroknu Vasilovým způsobem, pár nálezů mám i nadějných a padám v posledním kroku, ale powerhouse se už nekoná a vždy mi dojde šťáva. Na závěr si dám ještě Retardéra 7C Flash a po cestě k autu přelézám na pár pokusů projekt na Fakerovi – Mono Architekt za 8A – nebo 7C+? Vyzkoušejte.
I came back to Labák and Hřensko, this time with Štěpán. My first stop
was Toxik, I went for the unfinished combination of Half of Toxic
Avenger and Pig Power Problem, after the warm up I fell once but then I
finished the boulder - Toxický Prase 8B/B+, an amazing endurance line.
We the move to a new cave – Caveman. First I try Hard Morning of the Caveman 8A and in a little while I break off the second hold - this makes the boulder a bit harder but I quickly climb it anyway. I also try a project with two super power moves and bad feet. I try to jump to the crack in the ceiling and one of the attempts is successful, so I finish the whole thing - Super Hard Morning of the Caveman, about 8B.
I clean a project on the left from the entrance to the cave but I don't feel like teasing the fingerhole – the European Championship in Moscow is coming soon. But the moves are awesome and it's super difficult.
I watch Štěpán for a while and when Michal Barchánek arrives I go and check out the new Heel Hooker 8B boulder. I have zero chance for Flash and I don't actually mind, I try Vasil's way and several attempts are really promising but I lack power for the finish. At the end of the session I do Retardér 7C Flash and on my way back to the car I also finish the project at Faker – Mono Architekt 8A – or is it a 7C+? You should come and try.
We the move to a new cave – Caveman. First I try Hard Morning of the Caveman 8A and in a little while I break off the second hold - this makes the boulder a bit harder but I quickly climb it anyway. I also try a project with two super power moves and bad feet. I try to jump to the crack in the ceiling and one of the attempts is successful, so I finish the whole thing - Super Hard Morning of the Caveman, about 8B.
I clean a project on the left from the entrance to the cave but I don't feel like teasing the fingerhole – the European Championship in Moscow is coming soon. But the moves are awesome and it's super difficult.
I watch Štěpán for a while and when Michal Barchánek arrives I go and check out the new Heel Hooker 8B boulder. I have zero chance for Flash and I don't actually mind, I try Vasil's way and several attempts are really promising but I lack power for the finish. At the end of the session I do Retardér 7C Flash and on my way back to the car I also finish the project at Faker – Mono Architekt 8A – or is it a 7C+? You should come and try.
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