Skály jsou u nás v ČR na každém rohu, takže je vždy něco "po cestě". V sobotu dost prší, a tak si nedělám moc naděje na nějaké lezení, ale zdá se, že chladná noc prosušila vzduch a když dorazíme do Sklapska, jsou skály úplně suché.
Trochu se rozvisím na madlech a sedám pod Crazy Undercling 8A/A+, ve Flashi trochu podcením nastoupání do spoďáku, druhým pokusem jsem nahoře. Za mě lehké 8A, myslím že i srovnatelné s Žihadlem na Petráči. Přesouvám se pod boží převislou desku na Fénixovy Slzy 8A+. Fleš opět nevyjde, hlava brzdí výkon, přece jen je to trochu morálové. Pár nálezů mi trvá, než se odhodlám do závěrečného náskoku do hrany, až když jsem si jistý, tak hopnu a udržím. Nádherné campus lezení.
Fénixovy Slzy 8A+
Vyzkouším ještě projekt, který utíká z Fénixe doleva, bohužel urvu důležitý chyt a tím to tady dnes končí. Velká výzva čeká nalevo od Fénixe, hodně těžce vypadající projekt.
After the marathon of competitions it's finally time to breathe in and take a break.
Here in the Czech Republic we have rocks everywhere so there's always something "on the way". On Saturday it's raining and I don't really believe there will be any climbing possible at all, but it seems that the cold night has dried out the air a bit so we go to Sklapsko and find out that the rocks are dry there.
I hang on some bucket to warm up and then sit down under the Crazy Undercling 8A/A+ boulder. I try Flash but I underestimate the undercling so I need one more attempt to finish. In my view this was an easy 8A, comparable to Žihadlo at Petráč. Then I move to Fénixovy Slzy 8A+. Again, I don't succeed with the Flash attempt, my mind stops me. This boulder needs some determination. It takes few attempts until I'm ready to jump to the edge but when I finally do it it's a piece of cake. What an amazing campus climb.
I also try a project from Fénix to the left, unfortunately I break off an important hold so that's it for today. But the project on the left of Fénix seems like a hell of a challenge.
After the marathon of competitions it's finally time to breathe in and take a break.
Here in the Czech Republic we have rocks everywhere so there's always something "on the way". On Saturday it's raining and I don't really believe there will be any climbing possible at all, but it seems that the cold night has dried out the air a bit so we go to Sklapsko and find out that the rocks are dry there.
I hang on some bucket to warm up and then sit down under the Crazy Undercling 8A/A+ boulder. I try Flash but I underestimate the undercling so I need one more attempt to finish. In my view this was an easy 8A, comparable to Žihadlo at Petráč. Then I move to Fénixovy Slzy 8A+. Again, I don't succeed with the Flash attempt, my mind stops me. This boulder needs some determination. It takes few attempts until I'm ready to jump to the edge but when I finally do it it's a piece of cake. What an amazing campus climb.
I also try a project from Fénix to the left, unfortunately I break off an important hold so that's it for today. But the project on the left of Fénix seems like a hell of a challenge.
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