V sobotu ráno vyrážíme s Kačkou směr Brno, po cestě zastavíme ve Sloupu a po hodince a půl se mi podaří dolézt projekt z minula, silové přelezení z Kouzelného Lektvaru do Panaromixe, tedy přidání čtyř těžkých kroků do samotného Panoramixe - Kouzla Panaromixe za tvrdších 8B. Ještě pokukuji po Mikrologovi, ale síly ubyly a kůži je třeba pošetřit na odpoledne.
Kouzla Panaromixe 8B
Pokračujeme do Brna na závod Boulder Open Air. Kvalifikací na sluníčku proběhnu za necelou hodinku, 12 boulderů na OS, jeden na pátý pokus. Pak se jedeme schovat před sluníčkem do obchoďáku, dopadá na mě únava a mám trochu obavy, jak na tom budu ve večerním finále. Na finále se začíná konečně trochu ochlazovat, chill atmosféra a hlavně ty bouldry, ty se povedly! V prvním boulderu smyknu, ale druhým pokusem napravím a topuji. Dvojka a trojka OS a čtyřka dá stopku všem závodníkům, nicméně po závodě dáváme - hned potom, co nám stavěči prozradí program, jak strukrurami probaletit. To mi získává 1. místo před Štěpánem a Rishatem Khaibulinem.
Finálová čtyřka by V. Šimková
Stupně vítězů
On Sunday morning Kačka and me head for Brno and on our way we make a stop at Sloup. After an hour and a half I succeed with the project from the last time, the power climb from Kouzelný Lektvar to Panoramix, that is adding 4 hard moves to Panoramix - the result is called Kouzla Panoramixe and it's a tougher 8B. Also I check out Mikrolog, but I'm tired already and I need to spare skin for the afternoon.
We go to Brno to the Boulder Open Air contest. The qualification takes me a little bit less than an hour, I do 12 boulders OS and one at the fifth attempt. After that we hide from the sun in the shopping centre, I start feeling tired and worried about what the final will be like if I am like this. During the final the air finally starts to get a bit cooler and the boulders are really, really good. I slip at the first boulder but at the second attempt I make up for it and reach the top. Then I climb the second and third boulder OS and the fourth one stops pretty much everyone. Nevertheless, after the contest the builders give us some hints and once we have these, it's a piece of cake. I won this competition, followed by Štěpán and Rishat Khaibulin.
We go to Brno to the Boulder Open Air contest. The qualification takes me a little bit less than an hour, I do 12 boulders OS and one at the fifth attempt. After that we hide from the sun in the shopping centre, I start feeling tired and worried about what the final will be like if I am like this. During the final the air finally starts to get a bit cooler and the boulders are really, really good. I slip at the first boulder but at the second attempt I make up for it and reach the top. Then I climb the second and third boulder OS and the fourth one stops pretty much everyone. Nevertheless, after the contest the builders give us some hints and once we have these, it's a piece of cake. I won this competition, followed by Štěpán and Rishat Khaibulin.
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